I think this touches on the one issue I felt was a legitimate defense, and that’s that these long running shows have their own set of writers who have been with them forever and the turnover is low. Colbert likely took most of his writers from the Colbert Report to the Tonight Show. If you don’t any open spots for…
I actually get where they’re coming from... I live in a country with a lot more poverty and bleaker education stats than the US, and many jobs that require specialised skills are filled by foreigners or people who were lucky enough to afford to study for X amount of years. The poor stay poor, and the people who can…
*LOL* at the comparison to the Amish... I’m no theologian, but I believe that the Amish actually live entirely outside of mainstream society, which includes rejecting government assistance and services. That’s kind of the deal- you reject the trappings of modern society. ALL of the trappings. If you accept the…
I’m sure everyone who was watching this live was disgusted by this language, and I hope ESPN received calls from all 3 of them.
Really excellent piece.
Jokes are supposed to be funny...
OP is simply in for a world of hurt. He’s home schooled, sheltered and comes from an fundamentalist background. His friend is free to roam the world, engage it and grow. He’s hanging onto antiquated ideals that don’t work well in the real world. Sex before marriage is a good idea. Many Christians make a big deal that…
Hey, even kids are learning about this stuff now.
This news is especially sad considering early reports that it was all fun and games.
I spent the last few weeks thinking of a tree that we used to have in the backyard of our old house. All those hours I spent under that tree looking up as the sunlight dripped like honey through the leaves. When the thin cold wire of time wasn’t pressing pushing tight against my neck. There was time back then. There’s…
They should just change the name to Saltaku.
I need to get level up to 25 so I can get destroyed
Go Bears!
I took that look as Sansa being afraid of what Littlefinger will get up to, since I don’t think a King in the North fits in with his mental vision board.
Would you like fries with that?
Yeah, that place looks like a dump.