El Condor Pasa

Isn’t this the same castle we see Manhattan building in the news clip from Mars? I assume that the design is pretty common knowledge.

That Phair and Morissette’s respective careers went the way that they each went to the point where Phair will no be opening for Morissette and not the other way around just goes to show me that I ended up in the darkest timeline way before 2016.

A $70-80 drone is barely worth buying. Even ones approaching $200 are considered fair crap. Drones are actually more dangerous the around this price point, they’re large enough that they’re not really considered toys and you probably have to register with the FAA if it’s over 250 grams and most importantly, they may al

“I will certainly be surprised if they can wrap this all up in just two hours.”

The last two episodes are 1h3m and 1h7m. 

Topher! That’s his name. Think I blocked it out because it’s such a ridiculous name/abbreviation of a name.. haha

I’m at work and can’t compare the two at this moment, but the cover from the episode last night sounds similar to a cover I heard on Girls by Aurora. It’s very pretty and lullaby-ish.

The level of production and narrative confidence this show has blows apart anything Benioff and Weiss ever created (disregarding all the legitimately great GRRM content).

If he’d gone straight from Lost to this, I would be deeply cynical. But he made The Leftovers and that was a show that made me a lifelong fan. Thus far he's paid off that trust. I don't think everything will get completely resolved ("Think I'll just, let the mystery be!") But I'm excited to see how this ends. 

Honestly my first thought was Manhattan was Angela & Cal’s strange boy child (w/ his crystal palace model and other general disconnectedness), but Cal makes more sense overall. Great reveal either way!

I can’t help but wonder now if Angela’s children are Manhattan clones. The floating magnets, after all.....

I feel some mild panic at the sheer amount of stuff that needs to be wrapped up in two episodes. I sincerely hope Lindeloff keeps his promise and this really is a self-contained season, but there is so much left to wrap up.

I’d try that, but I just don’t have that much material about knowing Colin Jost.

The krill village definitely felt like a STNG episode where they insisted they couldn’t break the Prime Directive, then ended up having a massive phaser battle where a cave-in buried Jean Luc’s native love interest.

The best part was when the inn keeper didn't realize he was trying to but information and just thought he was a big tipper.

Anyone else sort of wish that Cara was an Imperial soldier, just to throw some shade into the generally predictable Empire = always bad people, Rebellion = plucky good people.

I definitely got the feeling Bryce Dallas Howard was trying to make the AT-ST like a T-Rex after her time on Jurassic World.

Probably because those are uniforms not of types, but of the gyms.  They’re the ones worn by the leader and the other trainers of that gym, who’re theoretically also battling it out before the Gym Challenge to assert who’s in the Majors and who’s in the Minors for that season.  You can buy those uniforms like you can

After you beat the raid, you’ll have a chance to catch the Pokémon. Use a regular old Poké Ball for that one—you’re guaranteed to catch it.

Look, this is why this shit is a big deal. YA novels aren’t some kind of frivolous bullshit that isn’t worth reading because they aren’t The Great American Novel. If you’re at a university to challenge yourself academically, the Common Read isn’t the only place you can do that, and telling everyone that you joined a