El Condor Pasa

And before you get out all the way over your skis: clothing and other necessary items are generally non-negotiable. Unless we completely rework the rules of modern American society writ large and general human modesty, we’re not going to walk about unclothed—and given the ubiquity and professional necessity of cell

When invalid analogies are levied as tractable arguments: a study.

Brack’s statement concerning Blitzchung’s statements “having had nothing to do with their decision” is about as full of shit as it gets. They absolutely kowtowed to China, and now they’re trying to reverse course amidst a firestorm of pushback.

Here’s the thing: corporations absolutely have the right to associate

“I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision.We have these rules to keep the focus on the game and on the tournament to the benefit of a global audience, and that was the only consideration in the actions we took. If this had been the opposing viewpoint delivered in the same

“The specific views expressed by blitzchung were NOT a factor in the decision we made,” wrote Brack. “I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision...”

Btw, this whole article is kind of a mess and difficult to read/understand. You really ran with that whole “they’re playing characters!” thing to the point of incoherence.

To be fair, Hughes wanted to take this occasion to showcase a character of his we’ve sadly been acquainted with for the past few years, “Blogger Who’s Nowhere Near As Clever As He Thinks He Is, And Would Really Just Be Better Off Covering Entertainment News In A More Straightforward Fashion”.

Uh, that wasn’t Seth Simons that Che went after. That was another guy with a similar sounding first name. Close, though.

Yeah... it’s almost like what Blizzard did was entirely indefensible from any moral or ethical standpoint.

Literally covered in the last paragraph.

Notwithstanding that, doesn’t that make it pretty obvious that then perhaps Blizzard should have reacted in a different way?

Good on these young folks for having the courage of their convictions; too many pay lip service to the idea of being engaged, but never do a damned thing apart from hashtagging a popular idea.

Seriously, hell of a lot of respect for these people.

Also, because it cannot be said often enough, Fuck Blizzard in this

I completely agree with you (except about Cartman’s squealing, which actually got funnier to me as it kept happening). The ratings for this and the last episode should be reversed. Band in China was iconic and the best episode they’ve done since season 19.

This isn’t milking it, this is Journalism, I personally can’t wait for the shit show at Blizzcon and I hope Kotaku reports on it.

Runnin’ through the house with a pickle in my mouth!

As a person who formerly identified as bisexual and currently identifies as pansexual (and also sort of identifies as a linguist), I’m honestly baffled that the definition of bisexuality isn’t limited to the two. Because, damn it, “bi” means two. You can’t change the usage of an existing term just because the

I wasn’t thinking of this in that big of scope, but having fans and protesters basically forcing Blizz to be HK sympathizers through fan art could actually work.... turn the censors on Blizz indirectly. hmm...

Throwing this out there that another dev of the Gods Unleashed digital card game is giving the guy the money taken from him by Blizzard and an invite to their invitational:

When people say that outrage culture is affecting comedy, this is exactly the kind of shit they’re talking about. Having to offer apologies for the “harm” done by not defining something the way the outrage brigade wants you to. In a cartoon.

As popular and critically acclaimed as Exile In Guyville was and is, I’ve still always felt like it didn’t get the attention and recognition that it deserved—like it should be in the conversation for one of the greatest albums of all time the same way that Exile on Main Street is—and consequently Phair herself didn’t