El Condor Pasa

I did not think this was their funniest episode this season. I laughed way more at the last one. Cartman as a squealing pig was great the first time it happened, but they kept using it over and over, to diminishing returns. The line about Token was very funny. I also liked Randy’s “...and I started acting like a

I’m bored of it being night time in the woods. This camp is not fun or interesting. I mean, AHS always has a plethora of issues, swinging in and out of focus like a bouquet of pendulums, but a boring setting is not generally one of its problems.

That rap scene was excruciating to watch.

It makes me crazy when people try to handle sexual assault “in house”. If there’s a rapist and you all know who it is, CALL THE FUCKING POLICE.

Blizzard rides that “we’re so woke!” pony all the time when they’re promoting Overwatch. They really play it up. I’m so done with them.

I would have to agree with Toasterlad on this one. My twitter feed blew up with people who were absolutely livid about that Big Mouth scene. The response was way off the charts compared to the “crime” that had been committed.

I can only speak for myself, but the explanation they gave is accurate (if horrifically phrased) to bisexuality as I have been practicing it since middle school. I prefer guys, but occasionally mess around with other girls, and I have zero sexual interest in non-binary people, or trans people, or furries. (Though I am

I’m waiting for everyone to realize that Succession is actually the new Mama’s Family.

I always wondered what would finally end my relationship with Blizzard.

Unless you’ve got Yoko Kanno, there’s no such thing as a Cowboy Bebop.

Between 1970 and now humans have literally wiped out 50% of all Earth biology (look it up), and you feel bad locking some woman in a garage. You’re a bit of a dink, aren’t you?

Please don’t give the other kinja writers more reasons to skip proofreading. It’s bad enough around here, already.

I’m not only a white lady, I’m blonde (the most valuable flavor of white lady!) and I would never, in a million years, testify against a police officer. I can’t even imagine the bravery it took for Dragonball Jay-Z up there to walk into that courtroom.

I’m slightly confused because I watched this episode a week ago. I guess the torrent world was a week ahead, for some reason. Anyway, I liked Daryl learning ASL and his interactions with Connie, and Sea Captain Carol was fun for the five minutes that lasted. The friendship bracelet was great.

I have been making my way through Ken Burns’ massive new Country Music series, and playing Untitled Goose game. Both have been a lot of fun.

My initial thought when reading the article was, “Wait, why would you need new episodes of Sesame Street?”

Like most women with five fully functioning senses, I would also ignore Sylvester Stallone if Richard Gere was flirting with me.

It’s not like any of this is being decided by a person in an office, who’s twisting his mustache as he eradicates Rose from the Star Wars continuum. That’s not at all how Disney works. They don’t care how you feel, or how anyone feels. They have no social or racial agenda, positive or negative. They simply go where

I guess I want to play Final Fantasy XV, after all.

If I encountered that somewhere, I would never think “oh a cosplayer”, I would think “wow that’s a highly detailed furry”, so I would have to vote no on that being cosplay.