@Karoshi: A date that will be widely renown for a lifetime or more.
@Karoshi: A date that will be widely renown for a lifetime or more.
@diedan: I hate to potentially state the obvious but did you try amazon or ebay?
@That Guy: I did too, haven't seen that show in ages.
@Djo: No big, I thought I had it wrong after reading your comment so I googled and couldn't find results so I googled mine and sure enough there it was. It was/is a great game.
@le_jojo: Did you mean Jazz Jackrabbit?
What happened to the stuff in reach that the people who played halo 2 on it's official last day were supposed to get? I don't mean the guys that lasted like 2 weeks after the servers were supposedly shutdown, they deserve a medal. Bungie said we were supposed to get in game swag for reach, I haven't heard anything…
@jayntampa: never mind, I found it.
@jayntampa: Wait, what DQ9 events are happening on saturday?
I am going to go ahead and assume that the guy at 1:29 will be the Char/Zechs of this series.
@dowingba: Pokemon, gotta catch em all.
@Tommy Five: They only did the first season.
@-MasterDex-: while they may be "clones", aspects could be different, from what I have read God Eater plays more like phantasy star universe but seeing as I have not played the game I can not verify.
will wear, purchase link?
@josephmeraz: Only if your friends don't play these game, if not you should get some that do it makes the games so much more fun but I assume you know that. Sorry.
@Akendall3: That is interesting, it makes me wish arcades had not died out in the states, we may have gotten cooler cabinets like those but that might be the reason it did die out, lack of anything new.
@ChaoticInfinityX: God eater is "supposed" to be here Q3 but we will see.
@rich8606: im not complaining, I rather enjoy monster hunter and considering God eater was released in feb and we are supposed to get a Q3 release this year(which I doubt) and we might have this one by 2012, it will be a pretty good variety.