
Clearly it's a white and gold moon.

No! I see blue!

Omg, I want your job so badly. That’s pretty much my dream.

Grey Moon.

I worked for a craft brewery here in Chicago. I did all the HR/Legal Paperwork/Social Media/Tastings ..everything but BREW actual beer. Believe it or not, there are some craft beer enthusiast that will ::GASP:: drink non-craft beer. This dude needs to pipe down.

I own a watch. My father bought it for me as a graduation present. It’s pretty, tells the time accurately and feels pretty comfortable on my wrist.

Fun fact: I have actually met the dude who makes John Mayer’s custom watchbands, and he’s really really excellent. Total sweetheart, humble, excellent craftsman, has the cutest family with the most well-mannered children that I have ever encountered.

I made this face at that pic.

Watches can be pretty darn interesting...

It’s horrifying.

Hello, I’m John Mayer and welcome to the uncanny valley....

I travelled to Iceland 5 years ago with my best friend and we made friends at the gay bar in Reykjavik, and the next day we smoked a spliff with them at a UNESCO world heritage site. It was pretty great. So I guess my pro tip for acquiring weed in a developed country is to make friends at the gay bar.

They already have a pocket Apple watch. It's called a fucking iPhone.

This picture is giving me a video game-y vibe. More specifically, Grand Theft Auto: Douche City

I am about to read this, but just want to say that illustration is fucking badass. Rock on, Tara Jacoby. I want to put my face in that joint.

So I don’t particularly like the police as an institution, but intentionally getting bodily fluids on a cop (or regular folk, for that matter) is often considered assault. And I also can’t tell what’s going on this video. I’m not saying she wasn’t injured or that she deserved to be hit in the face, but it also seems

I think he means intentionally, as in, they didn’t “rough him up” as police have been known to do over the years. He probably just means he thinks it was an accident.


“I’m staying hydrated this way.” Seriously though, it’s gin and pedialite or nothing. Gin and Pedialite: You’re now at a townie’s houseparty.

RIP the days of vodka powerade :/