
Lost my sympathy with "premium passenger" as I am a base model passenger. Use your cajillion dollars and charter a flight, you big baby.

Marketing will not make the V6 Camry a performance car.

And let's be honest, the people that are bidding on old storage lockers and stuff are buying Tundras. Ooooooorrr, Subarus.

I think we need more arrogant assholes and less political correctness on the air.

Argentina lost the race.

You know, I don't think that South Park has ever paid attention to Top Gear in any way, but I really hope this situation makes it into the show somehow. It's just pure gold.

the top gear crew flew spitfires to the competition with teh Germans... give me a fucking break.

Penis License Plates... Man the UK is a bit of a nanny state isn't it.
"Do you have registration for that penis?"

Am I getting this straight:

Except that's not what they did...

I so hope that they flee to the safety of the Falklands.

Why do you have to disrespect the sacred dignity of Argentina by posting this picture?

On the first day in Argentina Jeremy Clarkson ate Müsli with milk and banana on his breakfast. Clearly a statement that Argentinians are sons of cows, have brains the size of nuts and act like monkeys.

Thank you for making you're point abundantly clear.

"Last week, Jeremy Clarkson calls all Irish men "shitpoops" in further attempt to insult Argentina."

You mean that the same guys that did the livery on this race car would make a joke like that? I'm shocked.

North Korea has been pretty quiet lately...

Keep Calm Argentina

There was a war? Stupid media never covers anything but royal weddings and ebola!