
It always turns out better.

OReilly does not understand white privelige, he thinks it means because you are white you get money and respect. Trailer trash tells you that ain’t it. (#notallpeopleintrailers) He doesn’t undserstand that it makes it EASIER with less obstacles to do so since upstart way ahead. Check his interview with Stewart. He

Yrah, I let him rant so not to give him an excuse to continue. I started with something, he went on, so i just said hey, have good night. Not debating when your purpose is to blame others for your problems you created, and not listen.

What was your response? I had a guy tell me this the other week, havent heard it in years...must be s fox news thing that’s spreading.

Being a shithead is not my intent. Apologize to anyone who thinks I was, I, in real life even, am often thought of as an asshole when I’m just curious. So, I apologize. It came off wrong. Think Spock, I’m often compared to that character.

Dude, you say they have “no idea,” do you have quote?

Well then expose this guy. Why hide his username? Make his Twitter account eat shit. You don’t go threatening someone with bullshit over anything, especially some drunk dumb hipster who sticks her hand in someone’s car because doggie zen is too strong with this one.

You may have the last word, name caller and non-knower of what evidence is.

For all you know the post isn’t real. Who’s the user that wrote it?

Because you just know?

Edit sounds like she stuck her hand in the car. What a dumbshit.

The schafenfrude makes sense, considering the bullshit black people get called cops on for. But, like that, this is dumb. She pet a dog, and there’s no video of it. Did the dog run up to her? Did the lady say, “stay away?” one word vs another’s? No report on that.

Any reason my comment was not approved?

“Stupid people” instead of “white folks “ would be a better choice of words. Otherwise your point is hypocritical of the very thing you are arguing.

It’s the SJW they are afraid of, not black folks.

So two guys don’t want to get trolled from here to eternity for a bad review. Your solution is to have more black film crtitcs? How do you know they don’t grade with bias too? Hint, they do.

So be creative .... what’s your response to the white guy?