Even if you can live with the size, it costs way more to maintain these than something so squarely aimed at “economy” ever should.
Even if you can live with the size, it costs way more to maintain these than something so squarely aimed at “economy” ever should.
I’d rather have an actual go-kart.
Yes, this one is a classic and so unique. I have no idea what a good price for one is. I learned about Facel Vegas from a car book designed for kids back in the 70s. I was taken by the Facel. It was the ultimate European luxury GT in the late 50s and early 60s, the Facel Vega that is. The French philosopher Albert…
Oui Oui
Call Jay Leno. This isn’t something someone buys as their one great prize, it’s a Leno Collection-type car, so weird and unique it belongs with other oddball rarities. (And glad you’re doing well, Jay).
You had me until you I read the part about California and back fees. Never will I ever, every deal with that headache again. Especially buying out of state
We don’t care what songs he’s written or what awards he’s won. Those things don’t matter in what he’s doing.
Dude straight-up fucking sucks. Don’t care dead mom. Don’t care neurodivergent (I am, many of y’all are, etc., and we don’t manage this shit). Dude sucks.
Tarantino’s take is incredibly short sighted. Outside of a few side characters (and yes, ok, Banner too). There haven’t been any notable recastings to test his theory. But I can guarantee you that whenever someone picks up the role of an alternate universe Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Star Lord etc. they will be endlessly…
Honestly this is like... the stupidest criticism of the MCU I can think of. Does anyone, anywhere actually care if someone is a movie star? Does the fact that Chris Hemsworth really can not get anyone to see a movie he is in in which he is not playing Thor really affect the movies at all? My answer, no. Besides…
Can’t see your wallet through the window of a Volvo.
I’ll go prepare a nice cup of schadenfreude now. This does raise the question of how “baller” car sales are sustainable in the absence of the core markets of crypto bros (broke) and Russian oligarchs (sanctioned)?
Whoa, before you start making such accusations, we will need to see some solid proof that he - oh.
Overpriced - especially for a mid-80s car with more than 145K miles on the clock.
Nah. You don’t have to spend $8,500 to get a car that will disappoint you all the way to Denny’s.
I’m not surprised that the Frankenstein was built (redneck engineering at its finest). I am surprised that it’s sat for 25 or 30 years instead of being hauled off for its scrap value. ND at $5,000, NP at $500 for a conversation piece/no-tech prepper escape pod.
Because white women are always gonna white women.