Well played, Anon. Well played.
Well played, Anon. Well played.
Stumbling across the house from Grant Wood’s “American Gothic”. Fun fact: that isn’t a farmer and his wife in the painting; it’s the artist’s sister and dentist. Both of them hated it—Wood’s sister thought it made her look matronly and unattractive, and his dentist thought it looked completely unlike him. (I saw a…
Oh my God, I’m getting such a boner from the car porn in this picture.
You ain’t wrong. In his part of the opinion, self-hating fuckface Clarence Thomas said that the Court should reconsider Lawrence vs Texas (private sexual relationships), Obergefell vs Hodges (gay marriage), and even Griswold vs Connecticut (legal contraception).
HA HA HA nope
Clearly, he should have used a digital tire pressure gauge.
I have to bring this out of the grays. “Let’s not actually do anything, but we can feel smug about not doing it.”
I have two nephews who just graduated from college, and a niece who needs a wagon as part of her day job as a dress designer for one of the Very Large Movie Studios. This would be perfect for any of them.
I’m not going through all 69 slides. I ain’t. That said, is Cher’s “Take Me Home” on the list anywhere? If not, list is invalid.
“Carlos and Carmen Vidal just had a child
A lovely girl with a crooked smile
Now they gotta split ‘cause the Bronx ain’t fit
For a kid to grow up in
Let’s find a place they say, somewhere far away
With no blacks, no Jews and no gays...”
Not quite the bang he was expecting, then.
This right here. I will thumb wrestle any jamoke what wants to get in line ahead of me.
+1 for “nonja”
I thought it was okay-to-good. My nephew, who was 12 at the time, thought it was SO AWESOME and IT ROCKED HARD UNCLE ORCA CAN WE SEE IT AGAIN LET ME BRING MY FRIENDS.
SAVAGE. I love it.
This right here.