Non-related but noteworthy
Get THE SIMS 2 ULTIMATE COLLECTION absolutely FREE on your Origin account!
Non-related but noteworthy
Get THE SIMS 2 ULTIMATE COLLECTION absolutely FREE on your Origin account!
I bet this is just a special 'E3 mode' they've got for screenshots and the final version will look more like this -
It is strange how the description evolved from "close friends at Winterkewl games" to "We met Kris and trusted his qualifications and assertions that we could trust him with our brand."
Nope, I just played on the better system.
What...the graphics are way too fucking good for ps1...
I'm almost picking up a Force Unleashed vibe here, in that there are no lows the developers won't stoop to when shamelessly ruining the source material with unbelievably shoehorned stories and absurd protagonists.
Mine was cooler!!! haha
At least there wasn't a random Godchild who basically goes 'because fuck you' ala Mass Effect 3. That bastard AI could control an entire armada of reapers but apparently couldn't activate a switch, tell the reapers to stop killing, or overload a transmitter by itself without requiring you to kill yourself in the…
If it makes it out over here, it will be horrible and broken.
dem booties
Awesome, Wii U is definitely going to be worth a purchase... next year.
Pupil phone yak chocolate ice-cream?
No thanks. I already have a hard enough time fearing what could be under the toilet seat.
Hell yes! Or we could sit back and let countries like Russia/China build their military power to the point that they invade us because we pandered to the tree hugging hippies that miss their mommies.
Runs in PC browser, still better then Watchdogs graphics on PS4/Xbox One.
I'm normally not one to be prudish—but in the context of the existing relationship between Joel and Ellie—to say nothing of the age of Ellie's character—this is heavy on the disgusting, and pretty much empty on the funny.
Seriously—this is jacked up.
Same. 50 - No calls. If I ever get called, I want a good one. I'm Thinking "Tripple Murder committed by Hairless Transgendered Circus Monkey where the victim was found riddled with water squirting butt plugs fired by a high velocity vibrating assault dildo launcher."