Now spread this across the web!!! (No pun intended)
Now spread this across the web!!! (No pun intended)
Well with that attitude!!
Lads.... heres a bit of advice....... if your shoulders are lurching back while your hips go forward youre doing something wrong.
Potentially the best photoshop contest ever!!
ehhh I will always prefer the little black kid .gif
I cannot be the only one suuffering from terrible performance issues can I?!?!? I fall easily within the recommended settings and yet im forced to play on low. And im lucky to see a level load up all the way. And have not been able to play the campaign.
Lady Gaga is sooo hot right now..... <3
EWWWWWWWWW Faith was grossss.... MAN HANDS BROOO!!!!
So am I assigned one?!?!? Or do I make one of myself?!?!
What is a fursona?!?!?!?
OK sweet thanks
Is the killzone story line good enough for me to go back and pick up a ps3 and play through them all..... or would I have the same satisfaction of watching a play through on youtube or something??!?!
I am suddenly feeling very old
HOw the fuck do you manage to bail out of a fight, rep, and still continue to fight this thing. I run out of turns. :C
For everyone complaining of the potential cost of this thing, I promise you that the actual girl will cost you allot more in the long run. And you cannot put a price on a broken heart.
Gahhhhh the eve player inside of me wants to drop out of college to play this game again. :/
Damn you Luke. How dare you post something that makes me cry.
ahh finally an advantage to being a ginger..
Im htinking some scarry games. IMagine a game that knows when youre scarred and when youre not. It then can try to frighten you when youre most relaxed.
I am the Nihilist. Honestly I hope someone somewhere can enjoy all those hours of me jerking off and playing video games. Because I know I have. ;D.................. Wait..... does that make me and exhibitionalist!?!??!?!?!?!? My god I have been shakin at my core.