"Every" FROM Software game?
"Every" FROM Software game?
You're thinking of Jeff Gerstmann who was let go from GameSpot for supposedly giving a low review to an Ubisoft game that by all accounts deserved it. The whole event was suspicious,and as a result there was a loud and generalized outcry about it where no one was issued death threats, or had to flee from their homes…
That's not a terrible point. Can you show me some evidence that there was a growing movement toward that where the Quinn event was the tipping point? Because frankly prior to that it really looked like it started with women being treated like shit in online chat on the XBox which all grouped together at once to be…
High five for the explanation man. Keep up the good work.
It's similar to the slur 'nigger' and the wholly unrelated word 'niggardly', which is synonymous to stingy, meager or miserly, the words merely sound the same, but have a completely different etymological origin. Feel free to keep using it, but be ready to explain the origin of the word so thoughtfully provided by…
NO! Mold Injected Meat come back!
Thank you :D
No you just misunderstood the last sentence. You and others like you are being made to being made to look bad by those engaging in foul behavior, who are wearing the same uniform as you. Instead of defending the fact that you're being stereotyped by others it's important to realize that your movement has been…
If you believe that she's distorting the truth then you attack and undermine her argument. That's how academic criticism works. The second, THE VERY SECOND you say ' I think she's trying to court harassment' you have lost all credibility. That is also how academic criticism works.
I vote #EverybodyGames
Haha, thats some pretty shifty logic there buddy. How can a movement with no defined leadership officially condone ANYTHING?
Thanks for pointing out the dichotomy of raging against journalistic corruption but only going after the weakest and most indefensible of targets. If they really wanted to make a difference they'd be going after the publishers and the marketing firms.
No this movement has been building for a while before the Quinn event started the ethics end of the debate. These are the same people who tried to shout down Sarkeesian's videos, who tried to shut down her kickstarter, and who, nebulously before that, just tried to chase women off the internet. The ethics debate just…
Please correct me if I'm wrong but what it sounds like you're saying is you want to have a calm, rational discussion on the topic of corruption in games journalism, but too many other people waving the same banner as you are saying really horrible shit, making any discourse impossible. Instead you're being forced to…
The part of this I always find so comical is that a large number of them believe their creator, whom art in heaven, goes out of his way from the organization and management of an entire universe from the macro to the molecular level EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY, to personally fuck wit- I mean "test" them. Yet when it…
As a Jew, I would absolutely agree with you. The notion that man is instrumental in the betterment of creation, in a partnership with god, is right in our texts. With Christians it seems they need a bit of soul searching before they get on board, and honestly if that's what it takes to get them on board I say let them.
Awesome! One good recommendation deserves another. Check out the Witcher 2. The game is tough, rewards planning and mastery, and has that same sort of grey area decision making where choices that appear like clear-cut-good-guy-decisions actually turn out to have far reaching impacts. The third game is honestly one of…
I absolutely respect your opinion, it's all probably right. A lot of my hang ups for the Mass Effect universe come from how much effort they put into it's world building. I started the game and just went to TOWN on that codex. I swallowed ALL of it in one sitting, and THEN started playing the game. It didn't live up.…
Well that's another one for the potentials category if I ever start a Numenera campaign.
That whole sequence is the only redeeming element of that entire goddamned series.