Hell yes NEW NEW YORK! This movie is going to be train wreck bad, I can't wait to see it!
Hell yes NEW NEW YORK! This movie is going to be train wreck bad, I can't wait to see it!
This really sounds like a personal problem.
Mind rereading what you just said?
Yes but it doesn't take a beast to play it. It might me coming to consols... let me check... and YES, THQ is publishing a console version:
For my little ones... BZZERT*!
Alan Wake was not scary. Play Amnesia.
Yeah Fatal Frame is fucking brutal. If you're looking for similar terror might I suggest Amnesia.
While I wouldnt go quite that far I would agree that id has lost their place in the industry. Carmack is as strong as ever but the the actual content developers at the studio have really not progressed along side the rest of the industry.
You know what I hate as a male? Feeling like I'm being pandered to on the lowest common denominator. When a character shows up in a game, in the advertising, on the box art in a tight outfit with half her tits-so-large-they-have-their-own-area-code hanging out I just immediately lose interest.
I thought you were going to suggest Lost Girls there for a moment.
I'm just gonna call bullshit on that.
NO WE CANT! he must NEVER know!
Oh god, can you imagine Moore's fury at seeing one of his works turned into a video game? He would smite us all with the power of his huckster snake god.
You're forgetting her brilliant portrait of the androgynous Gabriel in Constantine.
Exactly, because the other spelling is literally a short hand reference for the rear end of a Whooping Crane.
All he's doing is misrepresenting the truth that according to our own military he does not qualify to be a Green Beret. I wore a beret in high school. It was green. I am not a Green Beret.
I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of my jet's ROARING ENGINE!
Another win to the glorious PC master race!
I loved this show when they started calling it Archer.