Stingo the Bandana Origami Prodigy

EVO 2017 in one month! Am hyped. So excited BlazBlue is back this year, because that game's top 8 two years ago is one of the greatest gaming events I've ever seen. I'm interested to see how Injustice 2 goes, too, given how new it is. It should be interestingly messy with a lack of a really defined meta.

They're good people. It's a place worth sticking around.

So are we planning on just creating a Disqus community a la the AVCAD or what?

Can someone tl;dr the Kinja thing for me? I don't really pay attention to the front page any more.

I watched Black Swan for the first time since it was in theaters. Natalie Portman deserved her Oscar.

Feel free to ask any time ( ° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I mean, I don't really care, I just thought I'd give you a hard time. You're not used to that sort of attitude from me, though, so I understand why you wouldn't be able to handle it well.

It's literally still upvoted by you in my browser. (I totally do the same thing though)

you liked your own post you goober

Perhaps unsurprisingly, redditors are getting really upset about the trailer for the new Wolfenstein game that features the PC killing Nazis. Also the resistance is led by a black woman, therefore white genocide or something.

I just beat it (well, halfway; I still need to hit chapter select and check out the 9S ending). What a brilliant, idiosyncratic, beautiful game. It's unlike anything else I've ever played. I didn't think anything would beat Horizon Zero Dawn for me this year, and then I played this and my favorite open world game in

I just beat NieR: Automata, which now easily falls into my top ten, if not top five games I've played. It's brilliant, philosophical, and challenging, all without skimping on great gameplay. Highly recommended.

An old-school adventure game crossed with Blade Runner? Yeah, I'm down

Don't meme my excitement motherfucker

I can confirm that this game is supes fun

I want this right the fuck now

fyi twin peaks suxxx [swirls cape and disappears into the ether]

I'm watching Midnight Special right now which prompted me to say this, given the double hit of It Comes At Night. He's just a really great, understated actor who doesn't get enough love.

implying Disqus plays well with other technology