wait, i thought millennials were lazy, high schoolers are gen z, are they now the lazy ones, meaning all generation attributes are inherently lazy?
wait, i thought millennials were lazy, high schoolers are gen z, are they now the lazy ones, meaning all generation attributes are inherently lazy?
So, Bode miller is reuters (boring, accurate), and you want him to be buzzfeed or... deadspin (intentionally misleading)?
The burden of proof is always on the plaintiff, so why is it a bad idea?
Doesn’t this publication deride teams/people who “act like they’ve been there before”, telling them to just have fun. Are we now to believe that “grow up” is the better way? I am confused, where should my misplaced outrage lie?
The real problem with urban pricing and gentrification is this
cops showed one minute after the call, being white has a helluva perks program
you forgot about the other bourque, chris, we got that one... so yay? Datsyuk is going to skate circles around all of them at 39.
Hyperbole hate only works if it was intentionally misleading, the context was “figure skating”, so stop being intentionally obtuse.
That’s a hell of a prognostication against the warriors and for a team making the finals because of george hill, rodney hood, jordan clarkson, and larry nance, jr.
how about leave him alone?
Tangent: Aren’t boomers the parents of the millennials? I am assuming they made the financial decision to create and purchase participation trophies.
oh rly
yeah, philly has the market on fat, angry white guys with misappropriated historical rage....Boston is definitely known as the bastion of svelte multicultural calm...
Wasn’t it just this summer that no one wanted Auba? Something like PSG turning him down based on value? That was after a great year no less
this tastes delicious
I like what you all (Univision/Gawker/Gizmodo, llc) do as it relates to holding publications, who misrepresent information and produce shitty journalism, to the fire.
he has a great reason to be a dick, it’s his personality
I know why this is ordered like it is:
Hey, be better