
A politician should do “decent” things because they want to, not because they are scared for their jobs. That is just my two cents. It is good that re-election keeps them in check though.

On a side note I would actually have no issue with a politician driving a million dollar car if he can afford it.

They only don’t buy them for fear of not being re-elected. That isn’t saying much.

Yeah Sir Mix A Lot used to be on Teamspeed.

You should check lap times from Super GT and compare it to GT3 cars racing in the US and Europe.

I was at Barber that day. Graham Rahal’s drive during the Indycar race that day was unparalleled. Easily the drive of the year until Montoya drove from last for first in the 500.

These guys could go sell some property and easily could go BUY a Reventon. Most of them probably wouldn’t but they could. If they REALLY wanted to they could do it. They probably have millions tied up in mutual funds they could access at the drop of a hat.

Here is a few:
Rick Scott Florida net worth $103 million
John Crozine former New Jersey Governor worth $300 million
Former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is the obvious one.
The best one is your home state of Tennessee. You guys have a Governor worth about $2 billion dollars. That makes Robert Bentley (AL) look poor.
I am

Your point was that I insinuated Russia and the US are similar. What I am saying is similar things happen in both countries. Not that life in the two countries are the same.

Woah, woah man. I’m not saying the US is some evil empire dude. There are things wrong with Russia and middle eastern countries. I am simply talking about rich people doing rich people things. Don’t twist my words.

Wow, did I say the US and Moscow is similar? Go get some reading comprehension help.

But you’re still going to take the Nissan to the track right? Right?

Honestly you’d look pretty bad ass towing a Skyline to the track with an H1

You’re from the US? We live surrounded by excess and supercars. High profile clubs in LA or Miami are loaded with people that live like that. We’ve got people who have garages with supercars that pay people to take care of them. The US has people doing the same shit they have going on in Russia, Qatar, and UAE. It is

Where are you from? I feel like I can name a few places like that. You are generalizing entire countries based of a few filthy rich people.

Riiight because excess and douchebaggery only happens in the middle east and russia. Yeah right dude. Give me a break.

I’d like to be ungreyd as well since I’ve gone for years on this website without posting porn or trying sell something.


“And even then, drive it like an idiot on the track. Tracks are much better for that than public roads.”

Unless you are Alex Roy

Do really believe NASCAR drivers can not control an oversteering car?

I’d sell of the Veyrons, and get a P1 and 918. But otherwise it is a pretty good set.

You are embarrassing Scuderia Glickenhaus in a public forum right now. What you just posted is utter nonsense.