
Ok ok that is the last one.

I would like to see a poll that shows whether people think the LT or the normal length F1 looks better. I am on the side that thinks the regular F1 looks way better.

There are guys with equal or less experience racing in Formula 1 right now. Mardenborough has been racing cars professionally since 2011 compared to Verstappen who has been racing professionally since 2014. Mardenborough has plenty of experience in racing. He has ran the 24hrs of LeMans twice and finished on the

Are you serious or trolling? If you are serious this is one of the dumbest possible comments I have seen related to this incident. What on earth does Jann Mardenborough being from the GT Academy have to do with this crash? How would any other driver steer a car that is in mid air? You do realize that non GT academy

That doesn’t answer changing the gauges in your current lower end cars. For over 30K for the ATS those gauges look awful. They look worse than a lot of economy cars.

There seems to be major confusion about this car’s target. The CTS targets the E class, 5 series, and A6 market. Will this car target that same market or target the S class, 7 series, and A8 line up?

Or is it floating somewhere in between. I feel like you guys tried to have the last generation CTS target the 3series, C

I’m not going to lie like the new one better. The P1, 918, and LaFerrari reflected is a nice touch.

Go read your response to me. You never say precieved length. All I’m saying is that these manufacturers can make interesting designs without having that ugly thing sticking out.

So you are saying it is based on front end length? Go back and look at my original comment. The BRZ and FRS are virtually the same size. It is pure design choice not to hide that ugly bumper cover thing. There is no excuse for it.’s car comparison tool has the two cars at exactly the same length.

Yes, I would much rather look at Sciroccos on the road than question why a person bought a Beetle every time I see one. I like Sciroccos and want them in the US.

They need to stop with this. Let it die.

Are you serious? Or are you just reading all around the point? When you add the fact Ferrari won’t let the car be tested against the 918 and P1 with the fact that the LaFerrari lost to a Veyron in a drag race it points toward the LaFerrari being slower than the 918 and P1.

I’ll try and spell it out for you. The

“Try a subcompact”? I have to look it up for you?

The point is why are some manufactures (like Chevy) putting it in front of the grill.

If it is about cost then what about the BRZ and FRS which are both meant to be cheap cars?

Interesting. I much prefer for it to be hidden. There are plenty of new cars where you can’t see it at all. I just picked examples of cars with big grills.

Since you are an engineer what do you think about the BRZ and FRS? They are the same car yet one has it infront and the other has it behind the grill.

That is a BS excuse. 99.9% road cars sold in the US had to follow the same rules yet a lot of cars don’t have that nasty plastic mouth guard buck tooth looking thing.

Audi and Mazda have huge grills, but put it behind the grill.

Yes it turns, but if it gets destroyed in a straight line by a car with a much worse power to weight than a 918 and P1 what chances does it have against the other two in the holy trinity? When Ferrari brings their car to a track where the P1 and 918 have had reliable lap times I will believe otherwise. As of right now

It is ugly, has scratchy plastic, and is a Kia. Everything seems to be in working order.