
Half of those characters are in terrible books (LadyThor, Spiderwoman, and Kitty Pryde), but you could totally have it both ways. Stories can vary so what wouldn’t be appropriate in one book is totally in line in another. Unless you want the books to bland stories with no stakes whatsoever which is what I have read in

Slut Detected.

But this has a chance of being good and not a garbage fire that is Thor.

I don’t like to defend Batman often but saying he just attacks poor people is just a bald faced lie. He does have a point about Superman that goes beyond simple xenophobia that you have tried to link it to. He has a real reason to fear Superman that is actually supported by facts and not his own fears. I don’t really

Thor by Jason Aaron is still bad with the introduction of Lady Thor and the piss poor story that is the Asgardian Civil War. How can it be a continuation of Thor’s story if it actively ignores him just so Jane can effortlessly defeat her enemies since she is just so good at being Thor. It has been a long time since

Sounded cool, but if Kate Leth is part of the creative team then I think we dodged a bullet. Let her ruin Marvel characters.

You are ignoring that he was trained at Kun Lun from when he was a child.Of course it wouldn’t make sense if he had no martial arts training as an adult only to suddenly be good at it for no reason. Part of his story is the training and he is shown to be defeated many times by his teachers and other students. His

Oh so we have had this argument before. Afro Samurai would be under what we have discussed since it is not his culture that he is mastering.

But if they are not from the culture how can they be better than the natives? That is your argument. If anyone non-native were a master then it would be a racist trope not only if they were white.

I’m not saying that there is no one of great skill that are native only that non-natives have the capacity to master even though the odds are not great.

My problem is that it basically says they are white underneath since it is always a cosmetic change. I get the frustration, but I can’t take a race bend as a serious step to actually cause change.

Why? By your reasoning anyone who has not grown up steeped in a certain culture cannot integrate and learn from it to any great degree. They don’t have to be white to be an outsider.

Rob your argument would be a lot stronger if you gave a specific example of the race that you think Iron Fist should belong to. Because Asia covers a lot of countries and a hell of a lot of people. Which country do you think his family should be from? I think you should be more specific because just saying Asian is a

But people say that he should only be good because he is Asian American is the stereotype people are pointing out. The context is important since Kun Lun actively trains people so it would make sense that the people there (Asian or otherwise) would be great martial artists. It would be racist to say that they are only

Female Thor is a bad example because her book is actually awful and derailed a great run. I can’t believe people who defend her have read the book and are happy that a terrible change continues to be terrible just so long as Thor has tits.

But the natives can still suck at it. Unless martial arts skill is genetic which I guess is what you are getting at.

Angela’s involvement in any capacity is an immediate red flag to me. Her cancelled series in Hel was completely awful and she takes up space which could be filled by far more deserving Thor characters.

To be fair her series is really decompressed so buying the trade is probably better then just the first three issues since that would end it in the middle of the first arc if I recall correctly.

Not Having Vision is a crime since it is actually good. Angela is aggressively bad though and its ending is a mercy.

Why didn’t Tony make Link an Attack Helicopter?