What about cat hair. I am rich in orange cat hair.
What about cat hair. I am rich in orange cat hair.
I’m 31 now, and I remember having a conversation with a college friend when we were both 25. She was like, “do you remember being a kid and thinking that 25 was SO OLD, and that you would DEFINITELY have all your shit together by then? Like, 100% solid career track, white picket fence house, dog, husband, etc.”
A potluck family meal is one thing because each person brings a dish they know others have enjoyed in the pat but doing this with others even friends is iffy.
tradition with many families
I just got my Ipsy bag and it looks like they have gone from sending me a brown eyeshadow every month to sending me a bronzer every month. BLERG.
someone brought to our non-potluck party because apparently everyone brings things to non-potlucks too
I can’t do potlucks. I mean I’ll bring something to one, but I had a coworker who always made stuff for the potlucks...then I went to her house and saw her kitchen. Nope ever ate anything she made ever again.
I don’t mind family potlucks like for holidays but I just don’t enjoy work or other kinds of potlucks with people I don’t really know because I’m weird about food and cleanliness. Most people dig them though, so I don’t think you’re alone in this.
Even if you were going to eat that many pop tarts, you wouldn’t open all of the packages at once and stack them nicely on a plate. You would open them in sets of 2 with the little silver wrappers strewn about until you couldn’t fit any more into your stomach.
They probably only eat the middle, where all the filling is. That’s why they need so many.
I mean in reality Rory and Lorelai were both horrible in their own ways.
When I rewatched it last year, I got so pissed how often they would go to Luke’s, order food, and then leave before eating any of it. And they rarely paid! That being said, I still love the show.
She was definitely white. Jews had been shipped to Israel and people of color were labeled as “the brothers of Ham” and sent to Dakota to be farm slaves. Offred was breeding stock in a white supremacist totalitarian society. She was white.
And how her boyfriend just brushes it all off. Since, obviously, he’s there to take care of her. Eerily similar to how I see men reacting, or more accurately, not reacting to women’s rights being stripped away these days.
Such a great book. Really looking forward to this. One touch I found particularly ominous was the scene in the book where Offred goes to the minimart for a pack of cigarettes, and discovers that she can no longer use her debit card, because they have been cut off for all females overnight. The scene was completely…