Manon Lescaut is good to go

Anecdotes are literally worthless as scientific evidence. It has nothing to do with men or women, and I’m extremely confused why you seem to be bringing race into the issue.

First of all, Zombie Easter is a parenting win. You and your daughter are awesome.

Atheist here. We’ve talked about religion/Jesus/god with my son since he was probably about 4. It’s mostly a “some people believe” type of conversation. It doesn’t have to be anything in depth (it can’t be at that age) really simple answers suffice. “Some people believe an invisible person called god created Earth and

I needed to hear the clothing advice. I have been putting it off but I know if I felt more comfortable in my clothing I would feel better out of it. I don’t have lots of money but enough to buy some things that don’t leave me looking like I have been in restraints all day long. Thank you.

That’s not creepy at all! /s

The Nature Company!

I'm more concerned with her apparent case of glitter herpes. Who decided that was a good look?

Elegantly disheveled and...let’s call it Business Slouchy look very chic on like one out of every 5 million people. I am not one of them.

I like your idea for the sequel. Bridget may find ways to reach her goals, but she’ll always be a little neurotic. I’m sorry they chose to pick up with the relationship still unresolved.

My brother in law calls them “Mrs Doubtfires”

Oh god, I’m single and in my early 30s and I just realized that I AM BECOME BRIDGET JONES

Sometimes, sometimes, I really think Hollywood is producing movies just for when I’m on a long Delta flight and they won’t give me any more water.

I would not categorize derailing a thread about horrific violence with pictures of pets as “mourn[ing] the loss and try[ing] to find a way to prevent this from happening ever again.”

You asked why I come to Jezebel. I generally like the content and the community, but that doesn’t mean I agree with everything that

The response to numerous people’s pleas that you have some fucking decency and maybe some basic human empathy are answered with “Have a sweet pic of my cuties.” You’re like those Olds from urban legends who have been told that LOL stands for “lots of love” and should be said to comfort grieving people, only instead of

It feels like thread-jacking. Like if a story comes out about the wage gap and someone comes in with what about the menz. Your animals are cute, yes, and I understand the catharsis but the whole thing feels like ignoring the base issue so we can all look at you instead.

I find it completely inappropriate that every single post about something upsetting on this website turns into a place for everyone to post pictures of cute animals. Whether it’s a terrorist attack or a brutal rape or murder, it completely devolves to “Awww, frowny-face, the world is so sad. :(:(:(:( Now look at a

The cat posting shit positively reeks of privilege. Here I am, looking at an article announcing that some of my close relatives may be dead or in life-threatening danger... And see a bunch of affluent american women using it as a venue to post pictures of their cats. When the next 9/11 rolls around I’ll be sure to

No..there is a lot of compassion in your post..You aren’t an asshole. I am waiting to have someone rip me a new one, myself..but man, we need to stay sharp and pissed here. Sure, this is gawker, have fun, sure..but this is a commentary section I actually admire a lot, in spite of people’s complaints. This is a smart

Me either. I love pet pics and I want to snuggle all the animals in this thread.. But it is also a little bit embarrassing that in every tragic post on Jez, the top comment is kittens. It feels like our default reaction as a group is to be twee and I feel like we’re better than that? Idk imma shut up now bc I feel

Agreed. I think it’s sort of symptomatic as to how numb we have become to this...which is not a good thing.