I really don’t get it. What was the point of the spread? Was it “LOL HOT CHICKS TALKIN’ TO NERDS AMIRITE?”
I really don’t get it. What was the point of the spread? Was it “LOL HOT CHICKS TALKIN’ TO NERDS AMIRITE?”
This must be heartening to the women professionals who noted models being invited to business parties to even out the gender disparity.
Nope. I just Clothe.
You clearly do not fashion.
I have a couple. I wear elbow-length gloves with them, and I think it’s bitchin’. Also, on a larger person (which I am) coat sleeves can feel especially bulky. I love the freedom of not having to worry about catching my sleeve on anything. I think MM’s coat is really fabulous, just styled ALL WRONG.
Omg that last one what.
Ewwww this is why I hate those over romantic gestures and videos. They’re all about the person making them. I’m glad to hear he’s your ex.
Sometimes I think a possible black face, yellow face or the ambiguous brown face situation is the most exciting thing for some people on the Internet. It’s like popping a zit for them, so obnoxious and enraging but super satisfying for them when they totally crush the person who dared wear purple paint on their white…
Um. No. We’re not going to include obviously purple, non-human colored, light-hearted costume body paint in the “things to avoid because of possible racial implications” category because that would be ridiculous, and make a mockery of the serious implications and concerns associated with actual blackface.
I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Maybe it will swing back around to racist intent. Although it drives me insane when people start listing off non-existent skin colors when they are talking about how tolerant they are, I think that is reaching to assume that is what’s happening here.
It’s worth noting that a lot of instagram filters put yellow tints over photos (which is often flattering and vintage-y looking), but yellow and purple are complementary hues, and mixing them will turn the color muddy and brown-ish. Seeing the makeup (that’s pretty obviously purple and glittery) in other photos makes…
Oh...my god? How does anyone think that is appropriate?
I think one reason women are conditioned to be “adaptable” to a potential mate, is that we are only a few generations away from women being at the mercy of their husbands or fathers. In many ways, women were not legally people- married women were not allowed to own property or enter into contracts, etc. until about…
My ex was the same, no idea what to give me. The last birthday I was with him (which was one of the Big Birthdays) he said “Tell me what you want and I’ll get it.” That’s not a fucking present, mate. A present says you’ve thought about me.
I think you even see this issue of adaptability in the mundane area of common interests. I know many women who have feigned interest in sports, hiking, camping, etc. in order to deepen a relationship with a guy. I know of few to no men who have done so for a woman. I’m not talking about saying you will do a joint…
I work in the collectibles/historical artifacts trade and had to answer this question on behalf of my full time business.
I’d say maybe tell your boss “I like my job, but lately I feel like I’m wanting a bit more of a challenge, or maybe I’m stck in rut. Would it be possible for me to offer my skills as part of project/committee X?” and then come at him with something you can help with, but isn’t necessarily your specific wheelhouse.
With a well-designed study, one might be able to make the case that the risk of disease is outweighed by the benefit of eating more salad because, let’s face it, some of us aren’t going to bother making salad on a busy evening if it isn’t already chopped up and put in a bag.