if like ‘the secret’ and those things are true, than the more people who watch this the more likely it is that it can come true. meaning we have to get everyone on the planet to watch it.
yeah the ol follow the money, the paper trail etc.
I’ve noticed several news outlets leaving that out. As if he’s just getting in trouble for some tax evasion. Um, conspiracy against the United States... is that the same thing as TREASON? it sounds like it.
i need this mindless drool. it keeps me going.
(said in terrible whiney tone) i like to model because i model when i model but i dont have to model because when i dont model my family can support me.
thank you.
before her 3rd set of vaneers on her 21st birthday?
Lucky her, her mother is actually a nice person.
It’s insane. If they had met her while in custody and then decided to meet up and have sex at a later time, I’d think their attempt and creating a consent narrative would have like at least some possible leg to stand on... but a person in custody... how could a cop (ESPECIALLY A COP) think that person could consent.
Probably panic disorder of some sort.
I was just thinking about the article you wrote about your family and wondering how you are holding up.
I love those and they are reasonably healthy.
Alright you internet searchers, get to work on this like you did those other nazis - time to get this good ol boy arrested.
wow. what an awesome kid.
I got 9 seconds into this before I literally almost just started crying. Too Soon.
Someone give this man a plate of broccoli already.
Actually, he was the head of our secret police who for some twisted reason we decided to vote into office so he could begin an illegal war to secure some sort of saudi interest who probably did and/or ordered so many horrible things that we can’t even imagine.
These chickens are just pawns of the russian evil government and they don’t even know it.
Oh, so they are the “Christmas Creep” Target was talking about