
I think this is an important point. I really disagree with everything she wrote, and I do see it as victim blamey. And I’m a religious person who probably follows many of the same laws to which are referred in this article etc...

you should know that not all ‘orthodox’ people who follow the laws of modest or mikveh have those crazy ideas. there are lots of ways to be an observant jew, as i’m sure you know, but just saying not everyone goes to the mikveh because they think girls are icky.

Well as long as you are ok with it, thanks for letting us all know. We’ve been waiting to hear back from you before we decide how to live.

Needs to be higher/have more stars.

it’s an antisemtic lie.

why do Orthodox Jewish men insist on sticking their dicks through a hole in a bedsheet to have sex with their wives,

I mean, that’s really all anyone can say to an army widow anyway. Especially if you haven’t served along side of them... “I’m so sorry for your loss. X was a hero who served his country to the end” or some such. Trump doesnt respect anyone or anything.

I do not really like beer. The only way I like it is in a clean FROZEN MUG with fried food. Like one time per year maybe.

i once met an nba player who told me how he keeps a lo jack on his wife and another on his girlfriend so they never are near each other.

its almost like the russians have pitted us against each other or something.

RE: David Cross

I know I’ve already been there for quite a while. Like since 6th grade.

Lets meet for drinks.


Being highly allergic and somewhat averse to dogs in general, having a monkey carry it for me is a logical plan.

you go work in a we work for a month then go work in one of those other office share places and tell me we work isn’t better.

This film seems like the art equivalent of jerking off. Any respect I had for the humor that Louis CK was / could be capable of is vastly overshadowed by his utter lack of human compassion and borderline disorder. Let us all turn our backs, and do the worst thing he can imagine... stop paying any attention to him.

How did his ears grow so much? Are they implants?

frozen green beans, can of mushroom soup, maybe butter, french’s friend onions on top. maybe some herbs de provance to fancy it up. cook in oven. eat.

romaine, onion, pickle, tomato, fried breaded chicken breast (aka Schnitzel), avocado, sriracha mayo and lemon juice.