Taste the rainbow!
Taste the rainbow!
I laughed so hard at this post, I almost got fired. Laughter could also be due to alcohol/my three-hour booze-fueled "lunch" break (obviously not at this "restaurant"). I guess that could also be the reason I almost got fired.
The "oops" gif is disturbing, but it is probably appropriate for the "Blowjob Queen" story.
Yes we do. Carry on.
And if only your "was" were a "were."
I'm not even that mad. Online shopping seems to be a thing.
Free money? And alcohol.
Yeah, at that point you just get chopsticks.
Yep. Did the same thing.
This is weird. If you tell me you just got a message on your work phone but still don't know how to check your voice mail yet, I'm going to be reeeeally weirded out.
Aw. This made my day. I am sitting at my desk with literally nothing to do, but too afraid to speak up in case they think I'm unnecessary.
You are basically describing my life right now, except I have a two-bedroom and a roommate. And a cat. I like both.
I just turned 29. I am so ready to be done with my bullshit 20s.
Way harsh, Tai.