
Job update: I got a call on Monday from the recruiter who did my phone interview. I now have a face-to-face interview with the pharmacy manager in charge of transitions of care and the emergency department. She would likely be my manager if hired. I’ve been knuckling down even more to make sure I nail this interview.

It was autocorrected by the Good Place.

His mom was a woman, ok?!?!

This. I feel horrible for Ariana, who was blamed for Manchester, blamed for Mac Miller’s suicide, and is now being blamed for Pete Davidson’s fragile state and Kanye feeling attacked.

Wait wait wait.... How in the everloving fuck is Ariana joking about two dudes sucking up all the oxygen with their lame ass beef interpreted as attacking Kanye’s mental health? Is Kanye saying that no one is allowed to take attention away from him because he’s mentally ill? FOH.

I recently referred to the song as “elevator music, but with cursing”.

For me, it’s that the song and the video have totally different energies. Her delivery of the song is almost dreamlike, but the video suggests it has this vibrancy to it that I’m just not getting. 

I heard it for the first time today and was like “this is it?” I think it’s the video. She doesn’t even singthank u, next” with conviction.

Even before they trampled all over somebody’s cultural traditions, you’d think their Spidey sense would have been tingling from the bitchy intentions of the story.

I’d want both. But Mary’s handshake is the higher honor.

I don’t think it’s so much a scandal coming soon as the fact that he’s clawing back into everyone’s good graces after being labeled a traitor as the sole carry-over from GBBO’s BBC days.

There were like 3 in one challenge!!!??!?

Mary Berry for sure (RIP original GBBO). Paul is overusing the handshake now. 

Yes! The most recent season seems like Paul is deliberately trying to make himself seem nicer because you just KNOW there’s a major scandal (not the Nazi uniform one) coming about him soon.

Hollywood handshakes mean nothing now.

Right?! The last season was bonkers with how many handshakes there were.

My husband and I bought a house together before we got married and at our pre-marital counseling session, the minister said, “marrying your money is way more challenging and you guys have managed that, so it’s all good.”

Same! We were dating, in our 20's, bought a house in the country together (total dump fixer upper), adopted 2 dogs, and did the joint everything until we got married at 27 (everyone said we were too young). Now, 20 years later, 3 kids, 3 more dogs, 2 cats, too many chickens, WHO SAID TOO YOUNG?

She’s been on the bench much longer than Kagan and Sotomayor, and has a brilliant legal mind. I’m happy with our culture bending toward reverence of learned, esteemed women. That said nothing this guy does or says seems remotely deeply felt or contemplated. 

I also love Sotomayor, but she’s not tiny rocking a lace gloves and collar set. RGB just has a little extra flavor that is super fun. And her dissents are other worldly- I can see how she became popular.