
People don't really need to vote for the most succesful themes, just the ones they like the most. I loved the Firefly theme but not enough to get into the top 4. But you can't really argue that people shouldn't vote a theme because the show got cancelled.

Paying tribute is a different thing from ripping off.

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How on earth could you leave out The Tripods? Ok, it might have not been such a big deal in the US but still, with this theme song, it should be on the list!

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WhywhyWHY the "long version" of the Millennium theme? It's like they took what was in the original series title sequence (which was awesome both visually and musically) and hired the Hollywood Lounge Orchestra featuring Max Cheese on drums to stretch it into a song! No, bad video, bad!

The Green Hornet theme is incredible. That almost out of control manic trumpeting is just insane.

Damn, I didn't see the Superman logo the first time. I just thought the tops of the buildings were a bit badly cut off. Yeah, that's not a good thing especially after the Dark Knight poster. It would have been enough to show the tiny Superman and buildings.

I think you meant Danny Glover… Now THAT would be a film I'd pay to see!

Wow, that Man of Steel by ALilZeker is an amazing concept! It makes you look twice and totally rewards you for it. I would definitely like to see more of that.

Some of those look a lot like etchings to me. But I would appreciate a bit more respect for the professionalism of the various illustrators of the Steam Man story – The American Novels version has clearly been drawn in the artist's own style. You don't define which artist's skill level is under question, but since you

Probably has been played by her – the resemblance is so strong I have no doubt she was the "model".

You lose 1D100 sanity points.

These new embedded videos have a problem with FlashBlock for Firefox. Usually you can click on the object to trigger flash content but when these finish loading they transform into regular images. You have to be lightning quick to be able to access the flash content while the object is still loading.

No, that movie never happened. Can't forget to watch something that never happened. There is no poster there… I really wish I had jedi mind powers over myself…

Until you realize Olivia was about 14 when Destroyer was filmed… Not one of the most moral casting decisions in that era.

Or at least a few SSoC comics. Some of those were pretty damn good!

I thought the sex scene in Evolution was poorly tacked on both story-wise and visually – suddenly there's a warm glow everywhere even though the girl is a corpse… But I love the cold overall feeling of the two first films. Stick them all in the fridge and don't let them out, I say! And no more sex scenes unless they

Timberlake is my only worry about In Time. I've pretty much loved or liked every film Niccol has made. Roger Deakins is no Idziak as DoP but he's a solid performer, so it should look ok.

If they did have chemistry it was clinically tested on animals. I don't believe actual romantic/sexual chemistry is even possible in an action film.

Was that Rhona "Perma-pout" Mitra you were talking about? Really?

Why do you prefer digital over film?