
The way I remember it they were all about how brothers in arms are the best thing ever and how you just keep a stiff upper lip, stand fast in the face of the enemy and so on… Basically the recruiting videos from Starship Troopers without the irony. It was a bit creepy in a kids' show. But I only watched the first

If they still have those mini lectures at the beginning and end, it's for kids. I stopped watching because of them.

AI had the good fortune to be shot by Janusz Kaminski, who is the actual genius in that crew. Phenomenal work!

@ theKeith82: I thought going for brains was forbidden in mainstream Hollywood Cinema?

I thought going for brains was forbidden in mainstream Hollywood cinema?


So when do we get Xenozoic tales as a live action series?

You mean his name is actually Kitsch?! I thought that was just a reference to how he looks like every other lead guy in a nondescript action movie of the week…

Wow… This looks exactly like every other barbarian / scantily clad swordsman movie shot in the last 6 years. And why does Tars Tarkas look like a disney toy? He's supposed to be, you know, scary.

Well, Mythbusters proved that it's possible.

I was completely sold too until you mentioned the buckles (after realising that wasn't the name of the illustrator)… Very cool composition though even if the glowing-eyes skull is a bit naff. I think I would still pick it up without knowing what's inside.

Gloomcamping should have been the name of the film. I saw two films about trees that night – "Deathly Hallows pt. 1" and "The Tree". One of them was actually good.

Why is dialogue in every animated series exactly alike? Is there a test they have to pass? Like this:

Wait, if the Super Soldier Serum turns him into the most physically perfect human, wouldn't that just make him into River Tam? … or maybe we should take a poll on that...?

The 90's called, they really don't want Rob back.

You can tell just by looking at these guys why there are no zombies in this comic. There's nothing to eat in there. The Zombies died of starvation.

I thought it was futurograde.

I'll tell my children to never shake a snake because the venom might break. Unless it's a fake snake. We get those a lot here. Especially by the lake.

I think ketchup is deadly enough as it is.

After she got over the "sexy phase" and into the more serious roles, Stone has actually been really good.