
Still an eyesore.

alright, i’ll bite.

Dying Light. Never had the chance to play it when it was initially released back in 2015 due to a then-heavy workload and an overall lack of spare time that contributed to a stressful and strained period in my academic career.

Unclear motives? Did you get the from Obama Press Corps?

I’m not an American, but if it were me, I’d vote for Trump. Purely looking at the bad part of what either might do, Trump’s idiotic ideas can be kept under control by public outcry because what he will do WILL be made obvious. Hillary? Good luck even trying to figure out what she’s planning to even think about trying

You need to accept the truth and let her go. Accept that this isn’t going to happen, that it was never going to happen and that it’s time to start a new phase of your life.

Spoiler Alert

This is a sober and measured comment.

Okay, click-baity, reactionary headlines aside? This is the real impact of Pokemon Go.

I’m black and... nah. All lives matter bro, I don’t know how long it is going to take for our community to realize that you don’t get equality by rallying around our differences.

You don’t seem to understand the importance of guaranteed loans here.

It really is that simple. If you eliminated federally guaranteed student loans, college tuition would have to come down so that people could actually afford it. And here’s a tip for folks: that crazy high tuition isn’t paying for more and better teachers. It’s paying for things like administrator salaries and athletic

Which one of these are the result of intense media reporting that soon resulted in instances of people reporting copycat crashes?

I can’t wait, Chevy. Foiled again.

They’re not always the most knowledgeable feminists.

Bush still speaks for a lot of people, especially in Texas, who consider themselves reasonable. He’s not Trump, at least. A show of unity... well, hard to see the downside.

Who, Bill Clinton? Nooo, he went to Dallas all the time and is totally fine.

When I was in high school I tried to get a job at Hot Topic. (Back when it was goth-knock off, not whatever it is today, ‘k?) Within minutes of starting the interview I knew there was no way I was going to get hired. They made me “audition” with two guys competing for same job. The guy interviewing me was as giant

RE: Forgetting clothes to the gym, I did this one time. Those are both lefts, by the way. I'm a real winner.