I can’t believe this is happening
I can’t believe this is happening
I feel like most of us here could write 10,000 - 20,000 words about how this hearing puts so many of this country’s worst attitudes on race, gender, and class front and center, yet is so consumed with its own existence that it is totally oblivious to that fact.
Also, as someone who is terrified of flying but also likes to travel and visits my family who live on the other side of the country multiple times of year...the idea that people who are afraid of flying would never willingly travel by plane is so absurd that it makes my brain melt.
Aunt Lydia was asking those questions for the Fox News audience, who does not understand how anxiety works - in ebbs and flows. A lot of the BS questioning by Aunt Lydia was intended to shroud doubt on Ms. Ford, who was able to interweave what happened to her WITH her OWN learned understanding of biology and…
I don’t mind flying, but if Chuck Grassley wants to talk to me he can get his geriatric ass on the plane and come to me.
Look, if someone doesn’t like to fly when they don’t have to, but can overcome their fear of flying when necessary, then there’s no way they were sexually assaulted as a teenager. That’s just science.
I think the strategy was “she’s a woman, so she can’t be seen as antagonistic, also it will earn us some Feminist Points (tm)” and “well she’s an expert on sex crimes, of course she’ll be seen as an authority on whether it happened or not.”
This was such an odd strategy. They needed the optic of empathy, not someone in an adversarial position who is making this look more like a trial. Maybe that’s the point to bamboozle people into thinking there’s some official burden of proof for Dr. Ford involved here, but that is ... not smart. It’s just another…
No need to apologize for something no one needs to be sorry for.
We really should be ashamed. Grassley’s opening statement was trash. His interruption of Feinstein was trash. The Republicans are well prepared to drag this woman through the mud for their guy. It is Anita Hill all over again.
People who have been paid handsomely to be the fall guy.
PSA: The fact that Cosby is a demonstrably terrible person doesn’t make prison rape jokes ok
I’m happy Cosby was found guilty, but American prisons are hellscapes that nobody deserves. And court costs? Yes, this particular rapist can afford that easily, but that’s just another bullshit cost that a) passes the costs of tax cuts on to the less fortunate, b) lets politicians show they are “tough on crime”, and…
Yeah, they see the writing on the walls with the midterms approaching. They thought they’d have enough time to ram his nomination through and force a vote and secure their agenda before being voted out in November. Kavanaugh knows the score and is absolutely in on it. He’s been told to hold tight no matter what…
I accidentally starred this nonsense and I can’t seem to undo it. Of course you think feminism is a bully. Abusers always think they are the real victim. Fuck off.
They have another reason to put him on the court now: If they can’t, then any rich white boy who went to drunken rape filled parties will be barred from the highest seats of power.
I mean, it’s been time from jump for his ass to taken a seat anywhere else other than the Supreme Court nomination chair, but here we are. Dude lied from jump. Like, his opening statements had multiple lies in them, and this is before we got to the sex scandals.
Let’s lay the actual assault and harassment allegations to the side for a second.
He needs to be removed from his present judge position and investigated thoroughly just like Cosby.