
Stallone’s is worse, because it’s a call for violence against an innocent high school student for committing the sin of opposing violence against innocent high school students. In what alternative universe does ANYONE think that makes them the good guy?

That isn’t a rhetorical question. That alternate universe is

I’ve pretty much given up any hope that conservatives will ever see the irony in saying celebrities should shut up about politics.

I have pointed this out before, but this statement is the essence of the conservative playbook. Accuse the other side of doing what you yourself are doing before they can accuse you of it. That way when somebody looks at it and says “hey, you are the ones using your media platform to push an agenda,” they look like

I wish I could find the AVclub comment thread that showed me RLM, it was right after Cracked stopped making videos and RLM videos were like water in a desert for me.

In the spirit of holy week, we should all believe in some shit that is not true.

Hey, while we’re mentioning her time at Dartmouth, here’s something I learned yesterday:

How dare they try to take away her constitutional right to have corporations pay her to say shit on TV.


I hope Laura Ingraham bounces back from this. Someone has to push back against all the kids these days who are petitioning the government to not get shot!

“David we love the script but we just want to change the ending. Let’s have the police chase Zodiac through the streets of San Francisco ending with a standoff on the Golden Gate Bridge. One of the officers yells, “What’s my sign, bitch?” and shoots Zodiac in the shoulder, pushing him off the bridge into the water.

Ted Cruz whistles, walks away slowly

I’m now dying to see celebrities flout this rule and then get tackled on the red carpet and/or their phones swatted out of their hands.

“A French film festival is no place for obnoxiously public self-regard,’ a spokesman said with a completely straight face.

How many trumpets does Wynton Marsalis play at a time? One measly trumpet. Charlie Parker? Impossible to find a photo of him playing even two saxophones at a time. Pathetic.

In keeping with the film’s DIY aesthetic, cast and crew were paid with a new cryptocurrency the director dubbed “Soderbucks.”

1) The cost to produce Justice League was estimated at 300 million dollars.

Hmmm. Fox’s researchers check into available news archives, reference materials and historical records, reveals nothing like that. Are we talking about the same Donald Trump, stable super genius with the highest IQ known to man who never met Stormy Daniels? You must mean Obama.

Fox News: A silent woman, an old man yelling, and a shit-eating grin

Well I heard Mister Young sing about her
Well I heard ole Neil put her down
Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
That guns don’t kill people. People kill people.

Ah shit, the Ventures were awesome, and Nokie was the coolest one. RIP you smooth bastard.