Joey K

It’s the new Marvel, so Wolverine needs to be a gay black woman.

Don’t have a horse in this race but no ref thought Nene was fouled by any of the three arms whacking him?

To be fair, one minute of game time is 7 games in Bogut time.

I’m going to miss my chasing infinity ship. For the first year or so the amount of attention it got because it was a rare week 2 drop was awesome.

This is only good if they get rid of the stupid regional Pokemon. Now I have to pray I randomly run into an Austrailian or Asian or European etc. that also plays the game and hope I have something they need in the mere hopes of getting a freaking Mr Mime or Farfetch’d? That is goddamn ridiculous.

Yeah, it was pretty amazing how quickly Tyreek Hill went from pariah to heralded rookie.

No, he’s going to be a best case 5th, more likely 7th or undrafted. Nobody wants the negative PR associated with him. It’s going to be a non stop circus.

Can already predict that the Patriots are going to grab the kid in the 5th or 6th where the media will gush how he’s now sheltered under the sanctimonious umbrella of “the Patriot way” and he will spend the next 5-6 years running apeshit over the NFL.

He should’ve just told them he was teammates with Darren Sharper so he knows proper bar etiquette.

If the 76ers somehow get Fultz or Ball in the draft with a healthy Simmons and Embiid, these guys might actually be fun to watch.

She has like a butch jock Sarah Silverman thing going on...

Don’t think it’d be as big a deal if every woman would share grooming and cleanliness tips as well. It’s amazing what having a pleasant puss can do.

No mention of Kenny Omega versus a little girl from years back? Dude planted a perfect enzuigiri on her.

Maybe I watched the same few Oklahoma games Vivek did, because I was blown away at Hields ability to score at will. Thought he’d be a franchise guy too. But I’m a Michigan guy who said Stauskas would be a sharpshooter for the ages.

True, though ours weren’t as frequent as tapping out to the Eric Bischoff headlock. Used to love the Scott Norton power punch. Tko machine.

Not a failure but more of a let down. Weeks upon weeks of bad ass promos teasing his arrival. By the time he arrived, Mortis and Wraith were already churned into dogfood. I remember saying it would’ve been better if those two were a true terror and Glacier was a foil of theirs from the past. Respectable worker and

Until everyone realized that all you had to do was shake the joystick and you’d kick out of the pin fall everytime. Made finishers useless. So it came to count outs or submissions. And the person with the quickest and most efficient submission? Eric Bischoff. It was a standing grab wrenching headlock. Our battles in

Like the first thing I noticed was her smile...

Nikita wasn’t a dick, just acted as if he’d rather be anywhere but there. But I arrived late in the afternoon so he could’ve just been over it and tired.

Went to a horror/comic convention years ago and was shocked that wrestlers were there. Nikita Koloff, George The Animal Steele, of course Virgil, and so on. By far the only pleasant one was Mr Steele. His appearance was very monsterous but he couldn’t have been a kinder and more eloquent human being. Rest well big guy