
I know complaining about slideshow posts is hack at this point, but I find this example especially egregious. I had to take a second to think about if “The Elon Thing” was some sort of limited edition prototype vanity project I had forgotten about. Like a VW Thing retrofitted with an electric drivetrain.

I love the Xj220 and wish I was rich enough to buy one. 

Seriously, its annoying as fuck to get randomly thrown to a different website as you get to the bottom of an article


More than you can afford pal, ZR-1.

No, there is no hydrogen division. Hypercar will be opening to allow hydrogen power. 

I’m an actual graphic designer. To me these look like various rednecks in XXX butt-fuck middle of nowhere places got ahold of either Photoshop or Gimp and think throwing random shit like ships, rockets and other manly-man crap counts as actual design. Looks like straight up high school level 

Never realized real hot air balloons cast a drop shadow against the sky that’s apparently directly behind them.

The same people that would by a car or SUV from a Kia Dealership.

Most of these look like they came into existence after a tree fell on the back of them, then somebody threw a loose tarp over the back to cover up the damage, tacked it down, and called it a day.

you just KNOW that patrol went back to Dubai/UAE, had a 1600hp engine put in, and is ripping the dunes as I write this. 

Find a International Harvester Metro van, paint a goofy logo on the side and you’re bound for greatness!

It seems to me that these would be popping up in things like R/C aircraft (and drones), EDC flashlights, power tools and phone charger packs, where battery weight can be even more crucial. Since we are talking huge numbers of units here with smaller and cheaper gadgets, price can come down quicker and R&D improve much

So its basically low price cars that aren’t garbage, plus an Audi? This is just people being priced out of $50k crossovers and competing for vehicles with starting MSRPS in the 20s.

The math doesn’t math. 10k a month is 120k a year, which is much less than 1.4mm. 15k a week is more like it, but would hve to average that throughout the duration. 

Wild how this column praises the “grit and determination” of, and even romanticizes at times, a common criminal. The downward slide of Jalopnik continues.

I think the commenters nailed it. It was certainly a software glitch, don’t you love our EV future, where it seems the right wheel stopped or locked up maybe, or even switched to reverse and it kind of “tank turned” into the hay, you can see it seemingly happen a second time with it suddenly starts reversing after a

EVs are actually not good for short commutes like hers. In that case gas is actually the best. As far as economics go you would never recoup the increased price with gas savings. And environmentally, with current battery production methods, you would never drive enough to offset the increased emissions associated with

If you’ve got a 120V outlet, you can charge a PHEV every day. Charging a full EV is a lot more difficult for most. Some might also have charging at work, but not at home, or charging they can’t rely on (one or two stations in an apartment complex). Maybe you go on road trips a few times a year and don’t want to worry