
I’m surprised nobody pointed out the obvious problem: the Pod sleigh physics.

Lebron said he was activating playoff mode, but he failed to mention he was activating J.R. Smith playoff mode. 

I hate those images (lead photo) where an image is projected onto the face. The person is only seeing the light that is hitting their eyes. In this photo she’s only seeing a bright light (and the text is backwards). Any time I see this in a movie or TV show it annoys me, probably more than it should :P

No, he’s spade.

It’s got power steering, the base model just doesn’t have a power tilt/telescoping steering wheel.

Looks like they all have the glass roof.

Dude, they built an entire immersive land devoted to Star Wars that includes a life size Millennium Falcon and you’re complaining?!?! Can’t you just appreciate that you’re living in a time when you can experience something like this?

So that they could control the story without contradicting anything established, improving the immersive experience and not worrying about getting the nitpicky fanboys upset.

I’m so excited to go to Disneyland in 2022 when the crowds for this finally become relatively manageable.

This might be the closest we’ll get to a “Westworld”-ish immersive experience at a theme park, at least for the near future. I’m ready for it

The dad literally grabs the kid by the back of his shirt and tugs him down.

Nah I rather figure out whats going on in my country.

Wait, hold up. Those Chevy commercials told me they won the JD Power Most Reliable award. You mean to tell me those awards are worthless? What about those normal people and their important opinions?

Then I was told my tip (15%) was too small.

Was with you for the first half but assumed the second half was going to be about better driver awareness. Why should ’bikers and cyclists’ (which are the same, right, unless you mean motorcycles which would be even more bizarre) keep to the edge which is statistically more dangerous for them?

And my Dad can beat up your Dad.

The most expensive thing I’ve ever purchased is my car, which I bought from a friend for $9,000 five years ago after a brief negotiation.

This is all much, much more exciting than the only other time I bought a car, 10 years ago, a goddamn Saturn Ion.

“a lengthy description of Fraser rescuing a horse from the set of a History Channel series and bringing it back to his farm in upstate New York as a companion for his autistic son”

I’ve always liked Brendan Fraser and he always seemed like a standup guy. If I’m rooting for anyone to have a comeback, it’s him.

The whole profile in which this appears is insanely poignant. That this isn’t the most compelling point is a testament to that piece.