
Makes sense. I live in CA, so there’s a good number in stock. But short bed still dominates the roads. That 5ft bed just doesn’t cut it, but then again maybe people would stop bugging me to move them if my truck was smaller! Hah!

While I agree on the seats for most models (my dad’s Tundra Platinum is extremely comfortable and they take it on long drives over their Lexus), I completely disagree with your first point. Not sure where you are or what dealers you’ve been going to, but never had to special order a crew cab+long bed in any trim. I

I think so. Didn’t pay a ton of attention as I don’t ride often.
I’ve taken the Claremont station to DTLA before and that was quiet, but more expensive if I remember correctly.

Went from Arcadia to DTLA last weekend. Was standing room only and just barely.

Oh I agree. It will be cheaper.

I’d show up every day and pose with *my* car for a picture. “Just hanging out with my new Type R! Can’t wait till she’s out of prison and on parole!”

This is true. The exaggeration is perceived.

While the idea is that you’d pay less, I’m not sure that we’d be paying the $X equivalent. Really depends on the sales model. The Tesla route is probably the most affordable to run, as you have limited space stores with one of each model and then customer vehicles are ordered. The only real caveat is delivery

Triumph TR6. Unique, still stylish, and trackable.


Does he have an Instagram or website?

Tacoma is not even close to a Camry with a bed. Definitely rides like a truck.

Besides interior/exterior differences and resale value? The Tacoma is a far better buy, IMO. I know the Frontier has had good reliability in past models, but I still can’t get over how bad the 2-year old Altimas my brother-in-laws own have been. Absolute trash.

It’s crazy. An inch of clearance, open wheel, no seatbelts, and 90+mph. Absolute adrenaline rush. Also, super competitive.

This is the realistic approach. Barrier to entry is closer to $4k-$10k, depending on class, transportation, and racing fees. My dad and I have a couple 100cc HPI’s. Fun, but a bit of a hassle compared to the TAG’s. Super super competitive.

To prevent chargebacks, could streamers tie donations to physical items? No donations over $50 unless you’re purchasing a physical postcard or tshirt, etc. That way you are selling an item, something you can produce cheaply, to tie in the benefit of seller protection.

Credit liability is a very different term than the monetary liability the article describes. Your credit cannot be hurt in these chargebacks, conversely if you were on PayPal’s end, too many chargebacks can result in a higher risk evaluation and a lower credit rating as a company.

Reasonable for who? It’s pretty terrible. Curled wrist on contact, straight follow-through. Dude only makes it over the net because he put some power into it.