


4 goals on 16 shots? 3 of those looked like a walk in the park.

I’m a Ducks fan and I’ll still root for you guys to win it all.

Yeah remember when they were first out? Sticker+$10k? I sat in one, couldn’t see much, dealer wouldn’t budge...

Contrast that to what I think is the best CVT around in my 2014 Maxima. That thing flies.

The best save percentage in the last 5 years and that’s not what happened?

Yup. Not just automotive, either. Automation is the future.

Crazy-talk, would-make-an-awesome-book theory: Population is too high for automation. Many politicians/corporate leaders have said they need to reduce the population. Ebola outbreak in Africa was just a testbed for vaccine/medicine. When it hits here, the

Dear God, I know. Nobody, and I mean nobody, knew there was even an LA team before the Cup Finals that year.

And that’s a bad thing?

It is meant for that, and it isn’t just “being there” - it is put there with the purpose to seal the bottom corners. But remember: the puck is small, flat, and travelling fast. Sure the bottom of the net is sealed off, but you’ve got 5 other spots to pick. Wide open 5-hole, top 2 corners, and both armpit slots. Now I

I would assume this is the largest issue at the current time. But counter point: Canadian tickets are more expensive and generate more profit anyway. I’d love to see some fiscal year reports.

This. Information that is Top Secret and code word clearance is solidly regarded as more confidential than Top Secret alone.

To know of The Game is to play The Game. You are never free.

Can we add Super Bowl?

Even though they lost, I’d say Winnipeg’s atmosphere was on an entirely different level in their last playoff appearance. It was nuts there.

I think I can see the trickle from here, guys!!

All the gas stations I’ve seen in CA don’t accept checks anymore.

*It was supposed to reinvigorate scoring, but has mostly failed. The biggest tool of the trap style play, pass/puck deflections, stuck around. Before the trap style was prevalent, teams didn’t demand players in the neutral zone and wings to keep their stick blade on the ice - it was a much more “body-up” mentality.

That mint Supra. Man. Or the 2000GT. Yikes.

Well. You never had me in your class.