
Their Crosstrek with CVT is junk. Heavy vehicle + no power + CVT = hell.

Yeah the Maxima’s CVT is brilliant. That car screams with a CVT.

Speaking of this, my current head unit has HDMI-IN... Wonder if my car has enough electrical draw for a console... hmmm...

Yeah... I had a PS2 in my Camry during high school. That was fun.

Agreed. Great tips.

Only for Prime members

Only for Prime members

You’ve got a few opportunities to drop your ISO lower. If it’s bright outside, you should almost always be at 100 (or lower depending on the camera). Ride the shutter down some. Also, keep in mind your DoF. That aperture can often be brought down and help bring down your ISO as well.

I don’t see many NBA players getting hacked at with sticks these days either.

A 1070 running BotW can do 4k at ~10fps. I’d imagine 1080p is a lot smoother.

Sorry. I don’t buy in.
You are effectively uninsured before you meet your deductible AND you are still forced to pay a monthly premium.
I’m all for the 20-somethings being insured under their parent’s plans - that’s a great move and isn’t being forced out by the Republicans.


Chevy Cavalier. What a piece of crap it was. Speedo didn’t work. The guages would go off then back on then off. It was an absolutely psychotic car. But that thing didn’t even hold a candle to its owner. They were perfect for eachother.

Woah. Sounds like my ex. Fun times.

Add sparks.

Extremely ignorant. And the basic Malwarebytes is great if you just want an extra layer of protection... for FREE. Cost vs risk in this scenario is incredible. Why NOT add protection?

Woah woah woah. What is this magic?

Tip from another SEAL: shove your finger up the dog’s butt.

I didn’t say it wasn’t cheaper in the long run. No need to get your panties in a wad.
Up front cost is enormous. Go convince your local city council to adopt solar parking structures.

Say it slowly and sound it out. Cuuuhhhhh-ahhhhhhhh-ssssssssttt.