
It is for the most part. It doesn’t protect employees whose work function requires access to company wage and payroll information. Those that didn’t have that addition to their contract were very quietly pushed to not discuss wages.

This. My previous employer made us sign agreements saying that we were legally bound not to share information about our wages with other employees.

Doesn’t it though? Rich is a perception.

Hmm. Maybe this takes some examining of the shot clock. Possession doesn’t change or stop every time the ball is in motion to another player, only at which put the possession changes. I believe the shot clock should have been running in this instance as well. Possession is assumed from the moment the ball is

Sorry, I don’t buy into that notion. What research I have seen points to an overwhelming number of cases where employees feel entitled, in a generation of entitlements. Six-figure entitled gluttons do, in fact, steal. So does the entitled, minimum wage employee that ‘thinks’ they should earn more.

Well, I’d rather people stand in line. Cuts costs for the consumer. I’m assuming management hasn’t been in your line of work, so maybe you don’t understand the devastating statistics:
- 75% of all employees have stolen at least once.
- In the last 10 years, employee theft has tripled - nationally.
- 1 in every 30

Is there any Lego games like the Lego Island game on PC? That was my entire childhood. Most buggy game ever.

Honestly, I shut everything off in my Maxima. No radio, no bluetooth, just chill. Maybe a podcast. When the drive is that comfortable, I feel like I can actually absorb most of Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History.

No, but they’re also not perched in 110+ degree sun, on top of a 2x4, two stories up, nailing in roof sheeting. Oh and your commute changes every 6-18 months? Try going from a 30min commute to 3 hours. And still budget for gas. So just consider that standing in line a commute, yeah?

Ohhhh you wouldn’t regret an Avalon. Hands down the most comfortable car I’ve sat in.

And you don’t even realize it. I used to have a 2-3hr commute (Fridays were HELL) and driving in a completely silent car was relaxing. I didn’t want to kill people. I just relaxed.


I’d love to see them step foot on a construction site.

Zip ties are not a pipe dream. Trust me. I ran all the wiring installs for a few hundred computers and checkout lanes at Vons. Zip ties are life. Don’t be lazy.

I feel like that’s really common. My wife is behavior interventionist. A lot of her clients are really picky with pizza specifically. Interesting.

Vanilla child tax credit - is that just for one child? I don’t understand. My refund has been delayed till the 15th. No EIC or “additional” children...

This story really hit home. I told my wife last week I was selling my Xbox. She was astounded - never thinking that would happen. Photography has been steadily taking up free time anyway, right? My first personal gaming system was the GBC I had gotten as a Christmas gift when my Grandma passed away from cancer. Video

Yep. Great movie. Really messed me up in high school though. That and The Island.

No. That’s most definitely a right-hand swing with a right-hand golf club. Left leg is planted.

I’m all with you on this.
Hilariously overpriced means that the car is not at a price that will sell.
$50k for a 23,000 mile bone stock Supra is nothing. I’ve seen the 160,000 mile, driven to hell examples go for $35k. $50k is worth every penny to grab that beauty and keep it forever.