
Or you’re just an ass. Who cares? You’re the type of person that has pushed Trump through. A little more compassion and maybe it wouldn’t matter if someone was let in?

Tin-foil counter-counterpoint: The insurance companies want a reason to charge you the deductible, because they still make a profit.

Hell, Apple might even source OLED displays from them in the future! (rumor of course)

That’s awesome! Makes me interested in purchasing from them. Thanks for sharing!

Yeah. And methane is a great replacement for coal. We’re just beginning to see the effects of that. The leak last year is a great example, with extremely difficult and unexplored solutions.

No. It effectively discriminates against anyone who is the primary care-taker of a child.

And what does it take to make one of those batteries? Oh yeah. Tons of mining and coal power.

“Super Stardust Ultra’s new first-person VR mode, which will be available as DLC for the $13 non-VR version of the game or as part of a new $20 version of the entire game, VR mode and all.”

S2000 will be a problem for height and if you gain ANY weight. At 6'2". his legs will not be comfortable.

You can’t assume that females take care of the children, even if the sample you say represents a correlation.

I cannot fit your voice to your picture. You sound like a 5 year old.

Is there a relatively simple guide for setting this up? I need this setup in my life. I have tons of DVDs I’ve ripped to digital, and already on hard drives. I just need them on my network.

Yeah, cause as a white person I can walk around Compton without fear. SMDH. The fact is that there are places people of any color will be discriminated against. Don’t be stupid.