Sterling Archer

Ok, there's going to be some confusion here. But in the expansion you get to be a Vampire LORD, not just a vanilla vampire that exists in the game already.

It's a meh, but I'll still end up getting the WiiU. ZombiU and Pikman look great. Can't wait for a new Zelda and SSB.

Showed games.

Did you watch the actual gameplay from the Xbox conference? I'm not referring to this video. I'm referring to the longer video that is nothing like any Splinter Cell game.

It's not. It's got even less stealth than Conviction.

Joel McHale does love his video games though.

Next February. This February already passed.

What the balls? That's just Lara falling down a mountain and screaming for 6 minutes.

The Kinect has a built in processor that handles the voice recognition.

Requires Kinect.

It will work with the iPad.

I'm not defending the trolls. But I mean come on, don't piss them off.

In my opinion, if it's older than 2 weeks, it's not a spoiler. I also think that a piece of media is just as good whether or not you know a "spoiler".

Same. There's just something so charming about that little wooden box.

Heh, voting... because that's worked so well over the last 30 years. Career politicians who get paid by lobbyists are the problem. Too bad their's too many of them.

Shouldn't have poked the bear.

Very interesting. Don't know if I'd replace my MFLB with it though. But that thing looks sleek.

You obviously haven't seen how well it works over Apple TV with an i device.

I disagree. That entitlement gets things done.

It doesn't matter how good we may apparently have it. There's plenty of room for improvement. Seeing a problem and being vocal about it is what brings about change. Nothing gets done if everyone is a complacent asshole.