Sterling Archer

Sony, I have friends already. Piss off.

... dammit that is tempting.

I'm not buying another Map Pack: The Game.

It's not really hate. More just a feeling of "meh". I've seen this game like 4 times. Not excited at all.

Yeah, having multiple exposures and uncompressed files is so overrated.

Stop the ride, I'd like to get off this circular argument.

No, Batman.

Your propensity to judge so many people that you have never met once is astounding. How enlightened of you.

I would have to install a megaphone so everyone could hear me yelling "BANANANANANANANANANA".

It's not that they do anything. It's easier to play with short nails, so I have to trim my nails a lot. If I have to do something frequently, I would like to invest in a way to make it less of a hassle.

I agree with you about video-game movies, but it's Peter freaking Jackson, man! He could have done something very interesting with the opportunity.

As a guitarist, if you could make a better designed nail clipper for $50, I'd buy it.

Why is Sean Bean carved into the side of that mountain?

Because techies like getting *blazed too, bro.

Shit that's a good point...

No, the Type-R is for me :)

Everyone gets a used Civic. Happy?

Same for me. I'm waiting for a price drop just like I did with the 3DS. $250 alone is too much for a handheld, let alone before all of the other shit you need.

I agree with that, but I still think a big component of the slow sales has to be the price point as well.