Noise in the machine

How on earth did Philly get into the top 10?

That thing is beautiful!

I think I saw that on Top Gear once.

Kinda shocked their economics dept didn’t think to pay people to take those crapcans. 

Pick6's return yards should count against total yards and touchdown totals. If that is the case, what do his stats look like?

Could be that Apple finally found that magic price: where people can’t justify blowing an entire paycheck every year on a phone when what they have works perfectly fine.

Thank you! I don’t get the mass attachment to this. Yes it’s beautiful! Yes it’s extremely powerful for certain people! Yes its thin, light, etc. Other than browsing what does it improve for people? Less eye strain? I think the industrial designers have been great at making one thing: something they would use. This is

I love this thing, but there’s no way its worth $20k. One electrical problem and I shiver to think of how much more it would be. $10-12k (ouch depreciation) is probably more realistic.

Saddle every first time driver either an old volvo wagon if they get good grades or busted up manual civic stick if they are punks (to limit their textfaceghosthashing).

Hairy legs?

With all this hate, I’m surprised the resale hasn’t plummeted on these. 3/5/7 series in a lift trunk for people with dogs....whats really not to like?

Not Whiskey In the Jar-O?

Flare = truckiness.

Longest most dependibly stupid challenging intelligence and patience running commercials in the business.

For any lucky soul who gets to enjoy a ride in a Singer.

Ford Ka-Splat

Maintenance free = cost reduced w/ inferior parts

Can Predict Baseball!

“....where people are still high and high sticking... "

First thing that pisses me off, but I wouldn’t call it a ‘quality’ or ‘reliability’ issue. It’s just shitty user experience and totally user preference.....and one you choose to buy into when purchasing a car.