Did he choose the name “Gatesnotes” for the program because Jerry objected to “Billionaires in Cars Getting Stealing Candy”?
Did he choose the name “Gatesnotes” for the program because Jerry objected to “Billionaires in Cars Getting Stealing Candy”?
I just use the Amazon basics e-car buying configurator and I’ll have it tomorrow. I cut out the middle man and saved thousands. If I can find it on Amazon then it surely must cost less than nothing to create. I mean it didn’t take any time for me to design/engineer the car using the configurator....
but this being the internwebs we’d amuse ourselves reviewing mocking their picks.
Chainsaw hockey! I love it.
“I’m thinking of adding a new ‘greenhouse’ mode to the model s and x & 3'
Snorkels = performance > lift kit = performance > calvin sticker = performance > truck nutz = performance
Welder + duct tape + uniburr = Utility Belt
well, lets say in that instance you pass said truck.....expect to be over-taken, possibly brake-checked and then suck the fumes of NE entitlement
Everything must be black or white these days......
Ludicrous!, of course
I think this was clearly roughing the kicker
It comes in a box of pieces.....some actually are from the original car.
Weren’t these the same asses that got into trouble a while back? They are just doing some ‘hard front-line reporting’ to try to stay relevant.
Agree. I said in a previous post that this is all peripheral noise to someone in such an ‘important’ role. He doesn’t care anything that doesn’t immediately affect winning games and keeping that selfie-stick up his ass. This applies to all head coaches at big schools (small too likely).
Q: Do you want Free Stuff?
Always use new rubber?
I once did something similar for a design class....had to hit a spot on a football field (distance not height). We rifled ours by offsetting the fins and sent it thru the uprights on the other end of the field on our second try.
no -> know....ya know? No...you know.
<sarcasm> But there’s nothing like the real thing....</sarcasm>