Noise in the machine

My comment does come off a bit asshat-y, and I do not expect ‘something for nothing’.

spending taxpayer’s money...unwisely.

I think you meant to say interrornet.  Its what came after the internet. 

You’d think that letting a movie gather dust or worse being sent to the bargain bin at Walmart would at least would justify collecting sub-par streaming royalties, but no the IP owners are stingy MoFos who hate seeing other people’s good ideas thrive.

Instead of a 720, they did a 3-6-tree....

and dies? or just hibernates during the winter.

Are you counting on what the dollar is actually going to be worth then? Tariffs? Electric Tax? Probably looking at $50-60k.

Too much downforce on the rear-end.

At least he didn't take that for a roll in the hay.

The pressure was on and the mustang had to bail

I like that this one has its own kickstand

Jupiter Storm

Croatia showed their quality and fitness. They maintained a consistent intense pressure beyond every other team in this tourney. Didn’t wait for the ball <ever> and made things happen.

Thought it was a spontaneous upgrade....

There were a few missed calls that certainly wouldn’t have hurt the English, but England certainly lost this. They wanted today the patience game and Croatia was harrying them like a bunch of pissed off wasps. Great for Croatia!

Isn’t this just the Explorer then? Fusion Explorer w/ LL Bean Livery

Yeah, he was a non-factor in this match. De Bruyne was off a little as well, a couple of promising passes that would have connected in previous games were just out of reach or intercepted.

The negativity came from the BS that happened at the end of the match. Belgium go frazzled and France sort of rubbed their nose in it. It got petty on both sides at the end. Both teams were above that and that’s why Belgium is complaining now. They were embarrassed by the finish of the game.

couldn’t agree more.  Shit was really hard to close out. I thought the first 60 mins was great fun though.  Once Belgium started getting frantic, you could see it was all over (and they knew it too).   

Yeah, I actually liked the game, but it seemed that Belgium was just a little off then got completely frazzled at the end. Their passes just weren’t as crisp as in the Brazil game. I thought before the match they would win out but it was going to be a long rough day. They should’ve subbed out some people earlier to