Noise in the machine

They will never have to replace it Carbon Fiber is indestructible space-age alien tech used by the military. We all know carbon fiber loves cold weather. Not brittle at all...ever.

What is mind-boggling here is that this is urban sprawl and highway at that. Pavement + ATV != fun. Is this just winter stir-crazy or drugs....probably lots of drugs.

honestly just a bad translation error.....they added ‘don’t’ at the last minute.

Bored Cougars are lots of fun, possibly not even objectively terrible

I think I saw a show about this. ‘Comedians watching cars hitting coffee.....drinkers’

it also has doors and eats gas.

Biathlon with archery........

To be fair Bode’s career was spent looking completely out of control but turning up fast times (or crashing).

Where is it made? doubt. Need more pictures of interior. Does the interior design make it feel cramped or open? I always liked the old V60 but thought it just felt tiny inside.

‘Greatest Pipe Trick Thrower at These Olympics’ #GPT3O

No, you’ll $broke$....

But Stickers = performance...

Its like stepping out of the brainwash ray gun stream: ‘Holy crap I didn’t need that at all’.

Whats the rear seat legroom situation?

Lets face it.....that crash is going to be at glacial will have time to dodge the raining debris.

Very cool. Can’t wait to see how this turns out.

I didn’t say manufacturer..... It’s a brand design decision

You sir lived the good life.

Don’t forget the hat