Biathlon with archery........
Biathlon with archery........
To be fair Bode’s career was spent looking completely out of control but turning up fast times (or crashing).
Where is it made? doubt. Need more pictures of interior. Does the interior design make it feel cramped or open? I always liked the old V60 but thought it just felt tiny inside.
‘Greatest Pipe Trick Thrower at These Olympics’ #GPT3O
No, you’ll $broke$....
But Stickers = performance...
Its like stepping out of the brainwash ray gun stream: ‘Holy crap I didn’t need that at all’.
Whats the rear seat legroom situation?
Lets face it.....that crash is going to be at glacial will have time to dodge the raining debris.
Very cool. Can’t wait to see how this turns out.
I didn’t say manufacturer..... It’s a brand design decision
You sir lived the good life.
Don’t forget the hat
I spit out my mid afternoon coffee.
Seen a ton of these in China in farming areas. They are slower than death. Nothing raises blood pressure better than when your driver is screaming down the center of a two lane road trying to pass a line of 30 of these with oncoming traffic at 50+mph. I have no idea how I am still here.
With pop out shower, toilet and stove. Also needs a sliding/rotating bed and Instagram camera mount. #vannolife
One mile at a time?
That’s the US car brand noise standard option.
What about ‘cars you should never buy newly used because the previous owners were likely hooligans’?