That’s the purpose of money in a nutshell.
That’s the purpose of money in a nutshell.
Based on what is being overwhelmingly lauded on Metacritic, your review of the game stands out as honest and therefore will probably be unpopular. But I’m glad you wrote it. I think you are spot on as to what the first TLOU was about and what put it in a league of its own. The sequel seems to have joined the violence…
3rd: It’s very noble to say ‘keep the workers safe by keeping them home,’ but that isn’t a choice. At some point we have to stop holding our breath and surface, even if the air is still toxic.
Border Patrol and Customs are different. Being between borders is the Wild freaking West. They can do anything to you there.
Can’t wait to have my perfect lap ruined by someone who refuses to brake when cornering!
Probably because the US was founded as an illegitimate nation made up entirely of traitors.
On tonight’s programme...
Like being single and broke.
I think I’m in the BEV with docking bio-ethanol rotary range extender camp right now.
This is so awesome. Keep the videos coming!
I agree with Torch. This will get the attention of the type of girl you described.
I prefer Ohms.
That pivot box is legit. Clearly, it’s off the deck a couple inches. I wonder if you get shake shake rattle rattle when your going over bumps.
People are beginning to understand they might need to get the eff outta Dodge.
With the Euro plate, it looks like a kid with braces on their two front adult teeth.
That is a Chang-Li on full send.
This is excellent!