I see nothing wrong with prcing an app at a high price as long as the description is clear and the price is shown (obviously it was). That being said, I still agree with Apple removing the application, any other company would do the same thing.
I see nothing wrong with prcing an app at a high price as long as the description is clear and the price is shown (obviously it was). That being said, I still agree with Apple removing the application, any other company would do the same thing.
I've never named my Pokemon.
@PositivelyGreg: The files are IN the computer?
I don't know what I'm missing here. Why is everyone hating on this? Last time I played a NASCAR game it was actually pretty fun. I don't own a PS3, but this game looks pretty good and I would love it if it were to ever come to 360 (I know that will never happen).
@TheOmnitron: @TheOmnitron: You don't have to be a convicted murderer / public masturbating rapist paedophile to wanna look like one...
That's no PS2...
@imaria: STAR!
@AndrosZ: Dammit that was fast.
Read the title quickly and saw Black and White headed to Xbox Live Arcade...
@oliath: They even called the one mode Invasion...
I didn't think many people knew about Grooveshark.
@Koztah: Brushing your teeth won't help if all you eat is FROSTINGGGGGG
Meh, I'll stick to my funky pills, as well as my funky grass. Then I can see pink unicorns too.
This is a great idea...
@umfk: I see. I guess I really was too slow.
The post time shows 11:00, but the first time it came up was at 5 after for me, I guess I had no chance :P.
Ballhockey finals @ 7 then going to hotel to party for friend's birthday.
Anyone remember the video where they showed a mod that made Starcraft II 3rd person?