
Its like the purposely give us lame filler and weak storylines for 90% of the episode with the Lily subplot and the majority of the suit dilemma. Only to redeem themself at the end with the touching conversation between the mother and Ted then the reveal of Robin's mom. Keeps happening where they gut punch you right

Will there be super sonic salmon ladder action?

Everytime a bird bumps into something it explodes. Brought to you by Michael Bay

Its all a slow build up to her

I saw Ghost Protocol in IMAX and that was some freaky imagery when Cruise was climbing that building. Really well shot. The whole movie itself looked terrific in the format

"Milk Life" will be the name of the next Macklemore single

I would buy that poster

watch now we'll get Willow Smith as Babydoll and Jaden as The Ventriloquist

Blame Canada


Say hi to your mother for me

"Kids I don't know who your real father is so lets take the time to retrace my steps together and maybe we'll land at a logical conclusion"

1) Achey Breaky Heart … Check
2) Jingle All the Way … Check

The world has finally come to an end

Hopefully they wont model young bruce wayne as a gothamized justin bieber

Olivia Wilde as Catwoman please

I picture that O'Neal had the same pose as Channing while looking at the very picture as he wrote the poem. Such beauty

Who keeps casting this guy?

Post credits deleted scene:
Oliver "So… you and Nyssa huh"
Sarah "Yeah what about it?"
Oliver "You think she's still in town???"
Sarah "Don't even think about it!"