Stewart Murray

We had so few, you could have put all of them on it! Making it a very effective platform for, oh I don't know, operations against hot countries with nasty people in them! Considering we wouldn't ever fight anyone who can shoot back, with out our friends in America and their shiny expensive kit. That's all we would

Your right. If we actually put the Prince of Wales into service, and it's a big if, then hopefully we'll reconsider it's specs. But I doubt it!

Don't even talk to me about that! Worst decision ever. Typhoon, yup ok, it's a great aircraft and it's (partly) British. If needed buy F-18's to fly of the carrier along with the Harriers. Job done. We arn't the USA and we need to stop wasting money on stuff like the F-35, as capable as it is.

It's stupid what the Raf are doing these days, buying the F-35. When F-18's would do the job and selling off most of their tankers. On the Tri Star, I remember a few very noisy long trips to the desert in one of those. Still, at least it was fast.

I really, really miss my Thema. Lovely blue velour seats

Touché Sir.

You just don't "get" it do you.

Ronin. Or the original French Taxi, strangely both make me want a 406.


Thank you, indeed it does. Thank you for your candor. Was there a particular reason you went for subscription over an in video advert? Just curious, not trying to troll (is that the word?).

Indeed Sir I do not claim to be an expert. If it is not profitable i am surprised, however if that is the case then perhaps charging is required. Out of interest it would interesting to know how much income YouTube views generate. That is of course their business but rough numbers would be illuminating.

Yes I watched the videos. He takes one video as an example, however I would wager if you took their channel as a whole they must be in profit. I have no objection to people making money from their jobs, I just think it's a bit rich to charge.

I like Drive, I really do. However I fail to see why they need to charge. I don't understand how they can't make enough from advertising. They have a million plus subscribers and millions of views. They could even just stick a 30sec add midway through their videos. I'm aware it costs money to make videos, and that


Great vid. Nice to see the Typhoon there. I often think we should have just bought some F-18's, but I change my mind every time I see a Typhoon.

Hi it's your friendly impartial former member of the UK armed forces here. Build this, now. But I'm guessing its not shiny shiny enough for the government or who ever gives the funding out. (Sorry, I'm not fully up on how funding works in the US). What a capability this would give you, plus on radar it looks like a

Mostly agree, except for "looks better than any Ferrari of the decade" mmm really? Ever seen a 355? Or a 550? Or a 456?

These are the worst German cars? Well if that's the case it just showed how good they are building cars.

I'd like to reply with a modicum of common sence. First of I'm British, two carriers is all we need. You however need more, 11 massive ones maybe not. It might be benificial to have some smaller ones like our Queen Elizebeth. Just to point out, the fact the author raised this question as eloquently as he did does not

I am always surprised that "insert name of terrorist/freedom fighters here" haven't used manpads to down a western airliner. It would appear to be the easiest way of doing it. Please note, am not being glib. Mearly wonder why they haven't.